January 24, 2011

Ink Spots on My Shirt — Lynda Schultz

Have you ever had an itch in the middle of your back that you simply could not reach? Or a craving for that "something" that you could not quite name? The word is on the tip of your tongue but somehow your mind can't capture it and fling it out? How about a project whose whose finish can't even get to the start point?

One of my dreams while I was overseas was to be involved in a writer's group once I got back to Canada. I couldn't find an already established one here in Timmins, so last fall I asked  Marcia Laycock to send me all the information available for beginning my own group. In the meantime, I had discovered a gal in our church who is a writer and who has, in fact, published a book. She mentioned that she was working on a second book but was stuck and really wanted to bounce the material off of someone who might be able to help her with the ending. I had an "aha" moment.

The trouble has been that I haven't been able to string together enough of those moments to even read the materials Marcia sent me, let alone start a group!

This month we began a women's ministry as an outreach from our church. As part of the larger events, we are beginning smaller and more intimate, special interest groups. I sent out a survey to poll the women in the congregation in an effort to discover their interests. Writing and journaling turned out to be quite high up on that list. Another "aha" moment.

So, what's my desire for this new year?

1. Read the material.

2. Call together the interested women and discover our common ground.

3. Determine a time and place when we can meet.

4. Do it!

Oh, and maybe I'll buy a backscratcher.


  1. Best of luck in this endeavor!

  2. If the Lord is in it, it will happen -- and the timing will be just right! Praying to that end...

  3. How exciting.... love how He confirmed your next step through that "aha" moment!

    Best to you and those joining your group!

  4. You set a goal and you wrote it down. You're nearly there. Keep us posted!
    Pam M.


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