November 15, 2010

Greetings From the 'Not So' Newbie - Tracy Krauss

This is my very first post here at 'Inscribe Writers Online' and may I say what an honour it is to be here among such wonderful friends and writers. Thanks for letting me join you.

I am new to Inscribe, having joined last summer, and may I say what a great place to find fellowship and encouragement as a writer. I attended my first Inscribe Conference this last September, and I just met for the first time with the 'Peace Region' satellite group a few days ago. (Marnie, Meri, Bonnie, Ellen, and Cathy - what a pleasure to meet you!)

I am a fairly new author in terms of publication, but not new to writing itself. I have been writing for more than twenty five years now. However, most of that time I often felt like a 'lone wolf'. I continued to clack away - in the early years on my mother's old typewriter - until I finally entered the 'new era' of computers back in about 1995. What a Godsend not to have to white out each mistake, or even worse, have to type the whole section over again from start to finish. In many ways the comparison can be made to the quill pen and the printing press. Oh, how far we have come!

However, it wasn't until I made the transition into publication that I realized the whole other world available to writers through networking and blogging. This was a real eye opener for me. I guess I was so busy in my own little world of writing that I neglected to connect with all the other people out there who were just like me - compulsive scribblers, aspiring authors, and people of faith with a message to share. Previous to the release of my first novel, I often felt like an anomaly within my circle of colleagues, friends and acquaintances. I actually chose to hole myself up for hours, days, weeks on end - to WRITE! I have a funny story which I share on my personal blog about a time that my husband, myself, and two friends went on a fly-in fishing trip. I spent most of the time typing and had one of the best vacations ever.

So 'thank you' Inscribe, for the fellowship and encouragement that I have already gained through this group, and for the new friendships and opportunites I am sure are still in store.

If anyone would like to know more about me or my writing, you may want to go to my personal blog - Expression Express.  There you can see more about my book AND THE BEAT GOES ON - an archeological thriller which addresses the 'conspiracy' of evolutionary theory vs. creation, or stay tuned for my newest release MY MOTHER THE MAN EATER - coming soon. I'd love any new followers to join me.

When I'm not writing, I teach High School English, Art and Drama. My husband and I were in ministry for a number of years with PAOC (Pentecostal Assmblies of Canada) serving in several northern locations and we have moved all over western and northern Canada, including the NWT, Yukon, northern BC, Sask, and Churchill, MB. We have four grown children.

Blessings to all!


  1. Tracy, Welcome to the InScribe blog.

    I enjoyed your 'get to know you' posting, and I'm looking forward to rubbing shoulders more through our mutual connection here on InScribe.

    Wishing you a week of successful 'clacking'!

  2. Thanks Brenda. It was great to 'get to know you' in person at the conference, too! I'd love to hear from more of you ;)

  3. Welcome Tracy. Met you at conference but nice to get to know you a little bit better. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Nice post, Tracy - great to get to know you a little more. :)Marcia

  5. Good workxmett. Looking forward to read more of your work.
    Sulo Moorthy


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