April 27, 2009

What to Write, What to Write - Kimberley Payne

When God first called me to write, I was so excited and ready to do His will. But I didn't know the first thing about the business of writing (besides the fact that I enjoyed it and kept a regular journal). So when I saw an advertisement in testimony magazine for the God Uses Ink (now Write! Canada) conference, I felt led to attend.

At this conference, I excitedly signed up for every class and booked one-on-one appointments for every spare moment. I couldn’t get enough! I learned all about writing for children, writing for newspapers, writing for magazines, writing for publishing houses etc.

From there, it was a process of elimination. I tried just about everything.... I tried writing poems, writing for children, writing articles, writing songs, writing book reviews, writing short stories etc. I liked it all but felt torn and unfocused. I needed to narrow my love of writing into where I best fit.

I took two excellent on-line courses; a devotional writing course (by Inscribe’s own Marcia Laycock) and a children's writing course. From these, I learned that writing for children was too tough for me, yet devotional writing felt natural.

In the meantime, I wrote a nonfiction book on health and fitness, articles on health, a weekly faith column for mainstream newspapers, and I started a novel. Through all this, I learned that I don't mind articles but only if I'm invited to submit. I don’t want to interview people. I don’t like research. I don't want to be a journalist. I like to write songs but feel that'll be in the future. And so on.

I am glad to have the opportunity to pursue my interests slowly and discover in my own time where God wants me. I also pray and ask for guidance daily. If you are called to write, there are many opportunities to use your gift – have fun and enjoy exploring your call!

Kimberley Payne


  1. I find it interesting how you've tried everything and by doing so, learned what you enjoy doing. :) I've also felt torn between everything that I want to write--and not enough time to do it all!

  2. Yes, I agree that finding time to explore our interests is a battle! But, I plan to continue to explore and try not to feel rushed in trying different writings.

  3. Kimberley -- I enjoyed learning more about your writing journey and how that journey started.

    I was drawn to your little list of things you've discovered you don't want to do or be. I've noticed that, for me as well, eliminating what I already know I don't want to do or be certainly clears the way and makes space to focus on what I'm truly interested in.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Brenda,

    I agree! Sometimes it's easier to work backwards and start with what we don't want to do.



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