April 23, 2009

Revival -- Are we still waiting for the fire?

Revival is talked frequently among Christians. Do we still hope for its imminence? Are we prepared for the renewal of the Holy Spirit to permeate our souls with His almighty love and peace? People offer various meanings and take different approaches to revival. To some it may mean a rekindling of church growth, to others a personal renewal of faith, and to still others, a deeper intimacy with God.

It has been said that revival is not the imposition of religious intensity but rather, a full expression of the loving heart of our Father God. The vision has been cast; it is up to God’s children to grasp it, seek His face and wait upon Him for direction and guidance. But what are we waiting for? Fire to fall, an outburst of souls seeking salvation, or youth to rise up and take the lead?

We must ask whether revival has to be what we search and wait for. If our Christian walk demands a turnaround, must we work and prepare for something to happen to restore the foundational Christian faith? What ever happened to the basics of Christianity taught in our churches? The integral need for a returned faith is unequivocally, love. A restored love for God and His standard for Christian living will bring about a renewed faith in the Gospel, an awakened spirit of holy living and a desire to grow closer to Jesus Christ. Getting on track with holiness, making amends and seeking forgiveness will follow as a result of a pure and sincere heart. Psalm 37:28 says, “For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake His faithful ones.”

We can learn a lesson on intimacy from Scripture. Paul openly and honestly expressed his love for God: “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death.” (Phil.3:10) This is a valuable verse to memorize. When a person is new in their faith, there is an eagerness and desire for servanthood. That freshness can be maintained when we pursue righteous living. In order to pursue righteous living we must seek God’s will and direction in life. It is when we stray from God’s way that we become lost and confused. The apostle Paul was diligent and strove to persuade people to follow Christ. He had seen the Lord!

What is revival to you? Whether we define revival, renewal or awakening, the basics of Christianity are the foundation on which we must build our faith. We must then win the lost for him. Revival ought to bring us back to the foundational truths. Let’s talk about Jesus more. Don’t fall back—come back.

Jan Keats

1 comment:

  1. Something I pray for constantly—in my own life and in the life of the church. Thanks for the timely reminder.


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