February 14, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For - Jan Keats

My husband and I lived in Fort McMurray in the early 1980’s. While there, we met and befriended many wonderful people. After a few months we became close friends with about 25 people. On most weekends we would congregate either at the local campground, or at each other’s homes and many of us would take excursions to Edmonton on weekends, which was a common thing to do.

Since moving back east in 1986, I’ve always wished that I could see them again. I always kept fond memories of the fun times we would have and how unique our relationships were. I never had the desire to move back to Fort McMurray, although I still have family there. So, I simply kept my memories as they were, memories. That was until this past summer.

My husband and I visited Gander, NL this past summer and we decided to purchase tickets to see the band, Great Big Sea. We met a friend we knew from those days in Fort McMurray, who left the city when we did, in 1986. She told us that her brother was home visiting and pointed him out to us among the crowd. We approached him and wow, what a delight to see our good friend that we hadn’t seen in nearly 25 years. There were hugs between Jeff and my husband, Gerald, and then it was my turn, then we hugged again and again. I got caught up in the emotion and cried tears of joy, which caused everyone else to follow suit. My dream was unfolding.

Shortly afterwards, another friend came along, then another and then another. All this took place rather quickly. We were all overjoyed of what was taking place. People around us were staring and perhaps wondering what the commotion was all about. It was almost a shock to me because I wasn’t expecting to see them, and we haven’t been in touch with each other either. We counted about 20 out of the 25 of the group of friends we associated with. This group of friends went back to NL to celebrate a family reunion and all decided to attend the concert. But to see almost all of my close friends from that time of my life wasn’t only what I wished to see some day, it was a dream come true! It was truly an amazing experience for me.

We parted that night with our hearts warmed, and for me, personally satisfied knowing that dreams do come true; my dream came true! On the way back to Nova Scotia, I pondered the new memories, but I also began to think about my reunion in heaven, when I meet once again many friends and family who have already left this earthly home. If I was overjoyed after some 25 years of not seeing my friends, how much more joy can there be when I reach heaven to see my loved ones and meet my Saviour face to face. The longing and anticipation will not only be a wish or a dream, it will be a promise completed from God’s Word. He promised eternal life, which is my future home in Heaven. Awaiting me there will be my Saviour and loved ones.

To think that God gave me the desires of my heart and He delighted me with His favour. What a blessing! What overwhelming joy! And it is no coincidence then that my favourite Bible verse is found in Psalm 20:5, which reads, “May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”

Jan Keats

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Jan. What a reunion it promises to be one day! Blessed joy. Thanks for the food for thought. Hugs, Glynis


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