June 25, 2008

It's All About You Jesus - Jan Keats

The joy of your Salvation
To share and experience,
Is all about you Jesus,
The message of love and grace
To bestow without measure,
Is all about you Jesus.

The intricate handiwork
Of all creation,
Is all about you Jesus,
The power to hold the heavens in place,
And the gentle provisions of inner peace,
Is all about you Jesus.

The long and narrow road
And the traveled beaten path,
Is all about you Jesus,
The heavy cross that
Carved the rugged grooves
Is all about you Jesus.

The majestic splendor of heaven
And our eternal rewards,
Is all about you Jesus,
To live a holy life and
Love our neighbors as ourselves,
Is all about you Jesus.

The songs of praise we sing,
The souls that seek your face
Is all about you Jesus,
The prayers that are answered,
The redemption we await
Is all about you Jesus!

Copyright Jan Keats

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for focusing our attention on the right place, Jan!


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