June 09, 2008

Classifieds - Pam Mytroen

Are you looking for a fulfilling job? Here’s some recent postings:


Somebody to confront the mightiest and most powerful King on earth, Pharaoh Amenhotep, and challenge him with a display of the greatest God, Yahweh.


Public speech experience: not necessary
Confidence: it gets in the way
Muscle: you really think you can out run Pharoah’s army?
Wealth: just the clothes on your back
Obedience: Absolute necessity
A nervous, stuttering sheep-herder who proclaims Yahweh as the only true God will do just fine


Somebody bold enough to confront the Persian King, Ahasuerus, without permission, to seek protection for the Jewish people


Dancing ability: Will learn on the job
Experience Hosting Royalty: You’ll get lots of that here
Beauty: Nothing six months of soaking in oil and myrrh can’t fix
Wealth: you’ll be lying on golden couches sipping royal wine; leave your faux pearls at home
Obedience: Can’t do without
Prayer and fasting might help too

A young orphan girl who trusts in her God would be ideal


Somebody to confront the Power of Darkness, the Prince of this World, to demand the release of souls for eternal freedom


Power: Actually, weakness is what I’m looking for
Confidence: I prefer to start with brokenness
Spiritual gifts: First I ask for obedience.
Training in conflict resolution: If it starts on your knees
Goal-setting ability: I’m thinking perseverance
Good-looking: On the inside only

A child is really what I could use right now, or anybody who realizes how small they are and how big I am.

Team work
Lonely and dark at times
Surrender of reputation, possessions, time, and your highly trained self

Pay: Joy that finds no bottom, peace that carries you through every difficulty, and an investment that is guaranteed to grow in spite of market fluctuations

I get lots of applications with long resumes listing their training, and demands for high pay. I understand; it is after all a daunting task to take on the Power of Darkness. However at this time I need only two words on your application: “Yes, Lord.”

Please drop your applications off at the intersection of Greed and Surrender and leave them with my Son. He keeps me posted.

One more thing, if you find the demands of the job overwhelming, remember that I will be your business partner. I will give you all the training you need, and I’ll be working side by side with you. If you have any concerns, ask Moses or Esther.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28, 29, 30).

Love, God


  1. My devotions today took me to Psalm 62:5, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10... and now this! God is telling me to quit complaining. After all, I signed up for the job!

    Good writing!

  2. Clever! It's really quite surprising to realize how 'unqualified' many Bible characters were. With obedience and a 'yes Lord' attitude, there's hope for us all.

  3. It would take me far too long to explain, but I really needed to read this today.

    Thanks is such a weak word for a strong sentiment, but it's all I got.


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