May 11, 2022

When My Heart Sings, Guest Post by Brenda Leyland

"Work on projects
that make your heart sing."
Lady Bird Johnson

Lady Bird’s sage advice has been a touchstone in my life for several decades now. I'd often refer to her words—they were a gauge in any given situation or project. I didn’t always heed her words, to my detriment, but I came to realize when the joy left, when the song in my heart dried up, it was a clear indicator something was out of order. I needed to let it go, change it, or move on. The joy of the Lord is my strength and without his joy, my life's motivation goes out the window. Fullness of joy, or the lack of it, helps me know when I'm in the right space. It’s been a key way the Lord has guided my times and seasons.

It's that way with my writing. If a writing project pulls downward and I don’t feel a quickening in my spirit while working on it, it’s probably not a fit for me. So, what writing projects have made my heart sing?

My blog It’s A Beautiful Life is my happy place. Here I share my love for what’s beautiful and wondrous in the everyday world around us. Ever watching for glimpses of heaven in unexpected places, and when the ugly stuff is too much in our faces, I write to remind myself and others not to lose heart, not to lose sight of all that still makes our lives beautiful. If you saw my post last month, you know my heart also sings when I write handwritten notes to lift hearts, not to mention create bright spots in mailboxes stuffed with junk mail. Years ago, I had the great delight to create a monthly newsletter for consultants in the beauty industry. The Director who hired me wanted a newsletter that wasn’t only about selling product, she wanted something beautiful to inspire her team members. More recently, there's the Christmas! magazine I created and published via Blurb. Written mainly to house my cherished childhood memories of the season, it was pure delight to work on. And what a thrill to hear from readers and friends of friends expressing how my stories brought to mind their own treasured memories.

I am happiest when I can convey the beauty of God through my writing to a broken world. Helping others remember what remains sweet and beautiful beyond the pain, sorrow, and loss: ‘beauty, food and friendship, reservoirs of love and understanding’, to borrow a phrase from novelist Rosamunde Pilcher.

As a young woman, it took me years to discern what made my heart leap for joy and what I felt most passionate about. I felt the joy well up inside when I realized, at the very core, it was Beauty that made me feel the most alive. It touches something on the inside that nothing else does. The wonderment can come in wide-open skies and flowers spilling over garden paths. It manifests in glorious colours, gorgeous sentences, and spine-tingling music. It catches my delight in slices of moist chocolate cake and makes my heart squeeze with love to catch sight of peaceful faces of people asleep...even complete strangers. The list is endless. When the mystery of the beautiful stirs me, I am fully alive, and I long to share the joy of it.

Wondering if it was okay to just follow my heart, and I did wonder a lot about it in my youth, I came to see that Beauty is important to the Lord. The Psalmist reminds us to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness Ps 96:9. He beautifies the humble with salvation Ps 150:4. He longs for us to be joyful in the glory and beauty which He confers upon us Ps 150:5. In Genesis, we are told the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight or to be desired for food—the cherry blossom trees certainly bear witness to this. And in Ecclesiastes, we’re reminded He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Our eyes and souls are designed to appreciate beauty, to need beauty, like we need air and food and sunshine. I eventually came to see, and rest in it, that I could let my heart truly enjoy this great gift God has given to us earth dwellers. And to bring this love and joy of Beauty with me in whatever I do, wherever I go, whoever I see. Letting it spill into my writing.

That's what makes my heart sing. And when I write on these things, I feel His pleasure.

Top Photo: Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Inspired by the beauty of God's world around her, Brenda Leyland happily writes from her home in northerly Alberta, Canada. She writes on her blog It's A Beautiful Life and Facebook page.


  1. "When the mystery of the beautiful stirs me, I am fully alive, and I long to share the joy of it." That is my most favourite line among favourites. Brenda, you are a master at sharing the beauty that inspires you, and causing me to be inspired by it too. Thank you for your beautiful words and also for the reminder that "Beauty is important to the Lord."

    1. I have to smile when you tell me your favourite line in the post. I admit, if I were reading it somewhere else, I would be underlining it. :) Sometimes our own words surprise us. I think that's His way of delighting our hearts.

  2. Amen, dear Brenda, to these words of yours: "I am happiest when I can convey the beauty of God through my writing to a broken world."
    Thank you for this beautiful post that reminds us of one of the reasons we're blessed and called to be inspirational writers.
    Hugs ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Thank you, dear Wendy! There's a real joy in the calling to be inspirational writers in our world. I'm so glad we can share in this work together, what a privilege.

  3. Your words, Brenda, are full of God's beauty. I love reading your blog and come away inspired every time. Thank you.

  4. Your words ring so true, Brenda. As one who has been reading your writing, either here or on your personal blog, for many years, I can attest to the JOY that emanates from your writing. Keep following God's lead, my friend. It is working!

    1. Thank you, Tracy, your beautiful comment blesses and encourages me. xo

  5. Wow. What a wonderfully uplifting and encouraging post. Thanks so much, Brenda. This made my day.

    1. Awww, thank you so much Sharon. Now you've made my day. xo

  6. Beauty is also in the ear of the beholder. Thanks for reminding us about beauty. I love the sound of wind in the TV antenna. I love the lonely sound of a train whistle in the mountains. Songbirds beautify our day. The laughter of children in a playground remind us of those carefree days of our youth. The purr of a cat is so relaxing. And to me, the awe-inspiring notes of those analogue synthesizers sends me into a realm of remembrance.

    1. Bruce, I knew there were many other beauties that should be in that list, and I'm SO glad you added a few here to complement it. If I think about it, I would say I've enjoyed each of these beautiful sounds you mentioned. At this very moment, I'm listening to the spring calls of the red-winged blackbirds in our backyard. I'm in heaven.

  7. A pastor at our church shared this thought: we know we are God's children when we move past His usefulness and see His beauty.

    1. Oh, I like that comment from your pastor. The Lord must love it when we see Him for himself and not just for what we need. Thank you for sharing it, Susan.

  8. Anonymous6:32 pm GMT-7

    Such a lovely post, Brenda. You do, indeed, fulfill your goal of bringing beauty, joy, and happiness to others through your writing and photography. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Keep up the good writing work!
    I tried to leave comments on your blog but was unable to get through. Are comments turned off at the moment? Just curious.

    1. Such a lovely comment (I'm sorry I don't know your name) but thank you for taking a moment to share your warm thoughts with me.

      I am sorry, too, that you had trouble leaving a comment on my own blog. I'm not sure why that is. My comments are open to anyone as per usual, I didn't change anything. But I believe Blogger has changed something in the Comments Section -- more readers' comments show up with Anonymous than their own names. :( Perhaps that's part of the issue.)

      Thankfully, it's still possible to choose to use your own name (select name/url in the drop-down menu under Comments) and type in your name as you use it in the public arena; ignore the url if you don't have blog or link to your own site.

  9. A very beautiful piece of writing Brenda.

  10. Brenda, in my daily life I, too seek beauty. I look for it, I talk of it, it fills my heart and soul.
    In this very troubled world, it is much needed.

    1. We are certainly kindred spirits in that regard, Deanna. As you say, it's much needed these days in our troubled world. Thanks for coming by. xo

  11. Once again your have fulfilled your mission for sharing beauty! thank-you!

  12. Brenda, stepping over here, away from your blog for a minute, I get a clearer sense of what inspires your blog posts! (Did that make sense? Haha!) I love seeing the world through your eyes of beauty!

    1. Cheryl, I'm so glad you stopped by. Thank you for your kind words, and yes they did make sense. :)

  13. Love your post. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and through the words of a writer. You have chosen well in focusing on beauty and sharing a beautiful life.

    1. You made my day, sir. Thank for your affirming words. They are much appreciated!

  14. Thanks for sharing your heart for beauty, Brenda, and for giving us an impetus and calling as you riffed off Eric Liddell: "And when I write on these things, I feel His pleasure."

    1. Sandi, I loved that line and scene from Chariots of Fire when I first saw it all those years ago. How pleasantly surprised I have been over the years to learn that so many others felt that great pleasure in their own souls upon hearing it. It affirmed something in so many of us. Thanks for your lovely note.

  15. Brenda your words are truly inspired by God...I always love to read your posts. They never fail to inspire, lift me up and cause me to look closer at all the blessings the Lord gives us daily. So glad beauty is your passion and you share it with us. Hugs!

  16. Debbie, thank you so much for sharing your affirming note. He does daily load us with blessings, doesn't He? Like you, I'm so, so grateful. xo


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