May 13, 2022

The Sweet Spot by Sharon Heagy


    Sometimes when writing it seems as though I am in a “dry and thirsty land.” I stare at the page, pen in hand with nothing to say. Or the cursor on the computer sits there blinking, mocking my lack of, well, anything to say. Though I love it, there are times when writing is a grind, a chore and I am ready to pack it in.

            But then there are times when I hit the ‘sweet spot’ when words come fast and furious and I can barely keep up with pen or keyboard to get them down. It is in the ‘sweet spot’ that I know God has placed His hand upon me, has stirred the embers within me and we get down to business together. He encourages me with every stroke. Those are the times that make my heart sing. The times where He and I dance together in a rhythm of His making and for which I can no more take credit than I can for my very breath. 

            What is produced in those times is a treasure. Sometimes the piece is tucked away for my eyes only and other times it is read by another, touching their heart in some way. Perhaps with a gasp or a sigh, a tear or a chuckle. A connection beyond my pen occurs. A link only He can design, whatever He desires.

            And so, I continue to search for the sweet spot with my Saviour. Those glorious times that leave a glow that lingers long after the pen lays still and the computer is silent. Knowing the sweet spot exists leads me back to my writer’s chair as if I have an unquenchable thirst or insatiable hunger. And I am glad to clamber and crawl over the dunes of the desert for at some point I know I will be able to slide down the sand to the oasis, where my Mentor and I will meet once more, in the ‘sweet spot.’


  1. Dear Sharon, I love these words of yours: "Those are the times that make my heart sing. The times where He and I dance together in a rhythm of His making and for which I can no more take credit than I can for my very breath."

    Goosebumps, blurred eyes, and a joy that makes me smile wide all happen when I experience the "sweet spot."

    Thank you for this lovely reminder. This is what keeps me braving the blank page too.

    Blessings on your weekend ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Anonymous1:51 pm GMT-7

      Many thanks for your wonderful encouragement, Wendy.

  2. Oh, I LOVED your post, Sharon. Beautifully written, so many delightful phrases. Calling it the 'sweet spot' really expresses it - I, too, love those moments. This line from your post especially resonates: "The times where He and I dance together in a rhythm of His making and for which I can no more take credit than I can for my very breath." Oh yes! Thank you, Sharon.

    1. Anonymous1:52 pm GMT-7

      Many thanks for your kind words, Brenda.

  3. Those 'sweet spot' moments are truly wonderful to experience and you've expressing that so well. Pushing through the tough times makes the sweet times even sweeter.

    1. Anonymous1:53 pm GMT-7

      I certainly agree, Lorrie, tough times make all victories sweeter. Thanks very much for you comments

  4. I echo what others said. The 'sweet spot" really sums it up! Nicely written... must have been a sweet spot moment. :)

    1. Anonymous1:54 pm GMT-7

      Laughed out loud, Tracy, when I read this Thanks so much for your ongoing support and encouragement, always.

  5. I love your "sweet spot" comment, as do the others who've commented. Well written, Sharon!

    1. Anonymous1:56 pm GMT-7

      I am always spurred on by your comments, Sandi. Many, many thanks.

  6. What an excellent analogy. I too love things that resonate and have a special sort of synergy between us and the Holy Spirit. Like notes which are far enough in pitch, the result is harmony.

  7. Anonymous1:57 pm GMT-7

    Thanks, Bruce. Harmony is a great description! That’s it exactly. Many blessings on your day.


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