May 17, 2022

Finding the song of my heart ~ Lorilee Guenter

I have a handmade rough drawn 8 1/2 by 11 inch sized reminder on my wall. It reads: " The worst thing that will happen if you fail, is you will learn something." Some would argue that failures can lead to many nasty things and even death. However, most of our failures are small because the risks taken are small. Even so, when we walk with the Lord and follow his leading even dramatic failure is an opportunity for God's instruction and his refining of our lives. 

I have often questioned if there is a thread that runs through my writing and my interests. As this months prompt asks, what projects, what writing makes my heart sing? I like to learn, which means research and experimentation. It means taking risks. As a result, I have drawn connections between seemingly unrelated objects, events or activities. Some inspire me or others. Some leave a "huh, what are you talking about," response as my attempt to explain falls flat. In either case I have a choice. I can stop or I can keep going. I can keep following my love of research and learning or I can let fear stop me from using the interests God has given me.

The simple, awkwardly written reminder draws on years of learning to walk in faith. We are told faith through God's spirit drives out fear. It allows us to take those desires that God gave us, those things that make our heart sing and let him use them to his glory. Even our failures can be used by him. This sentiment winds its way through much of my writing from essay to novel. It is a reminder that God  is part of the story no matter what our circumstances are. We don't lose him when we fail. He knows we will fail but he never fails us.

In Mark 9, the disciples wonder why they can not drive out a demon. They tried to use what they learned to help others but it did not work. Jesus used that as a teaching moment. He used it to build the faith of all involved and he helped the boy who suffered at the hands of a demon. "LORD, I believe, help me in my unbelief." A simple statement. LORD I trust you, help me take this step. Teach me.

As I study, observe, read and write a recurring theme is to keep trusting, keep trying because God is walking with us even in our failures. He is teaching us and refining us. He gives us the reasons to let our hearts sing. Then he joins with our song.


  1. Thank you for this encouraging post, dear Lorilee. Faith over fear is always the best route to take.
    I needed this reminder.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Thanks for your wonderful post, Lorilee. I love the line ‘even dramatic failure is an opportunity for God’s instruction and his refining of our lives.’ I often think of young people who don’t realize that failure is an opportunity to learn, not a reflection of self worth. Thanks again.

  3. Thanks Lorilee. I loved the reference to Mark 9. Trusting God is hard sometimes, but it is essential.

  4. My takeaway line from your post is "It allows to take those desires that God gave us, those things that make our heart sing and let him use them to his glory." Too often, I used to think that God wanted me to do things that were not in line with my desires, and that led to all kinds of frustration. I'm so glad that God is patient with me. Thank you, Lorilee.

  5. I too love to research. Thanks to the Internet, it's far easier than it once was. And thanks to a friend, I have a searchable Bible CD-Rom. Writing blogs and finding scriptures for the songs I feature really launches me into orbit. May we all soar with the writing projects Christ guides us to.

  6. So glad to catch a glimpse of your writing journey in this post, Lorilee. I'm often surprised at what I discover in research and especially love to see new connections I never thought of or saw before. There is a certain delight in it. And I love this line of yours, especially the last sentence: "He gives us the reasons to let our hearts sing. Then he joins with our song." Thank you!

  7. How beautiful for you to write that the Lord gives us a song, and joins us in singing!

  8. Hi Lorilee! Here is a line I resonate with. "As I study, observe, read and write a recurring theme is to keep trusting, keep trying because God is walking with us even in our failures." I hear in this line the value of perseverance, to keep on keeping on. Your words make my heart sing. Blessings my friend.


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