May 06, 2022

Music Calls People to Hold Onto Faith and Joy ~ by Martina Keast


Martina Keast Paint Pouring

Expressive Art Practitioner, Author, Musician, YouTube Creator, Online Course Creator, Workshop Facilitator and student; working toward her doctorate. 

Music has the power to call people.

It has the strength to turn heads and change hearts.

It can also turn people back to God, and I believe it is still its purpose.

 (Potter, 2006, p. 13)


It is clear that music is one of the most powerful communicative media we have,

and the depth of how it communicates and what it communicates,

we are just beginning to understand. (Jansen, 2017, p. 35)


            Music calls people to get in touch with their dreams and memories. Melodies are written, so they touch the person's life experience by engaging with the songs. [1] I will never forget watching ABBA win the Eurovision Song Contest on British Television in 1974. Anyone watching felt the shift, the power of the musical waves flowing through the TV screen. Still living in Germany, barely knowing any English, Waterloo had me dancing and singing.

Still, today, when I listen to Dan the Banjo Man, I get up and move with the music. [2] A couple of years ago, at the beginning of Covid, I listened to ‘70s music while walking down ten floors to get exercise. What joy the music brought! How easy it was to move along with the beat. I also listened to the Bee Gees, remembering the days when You Should be Dancing came out.   [3] From Dan the Banjo Man to the Bee Gees and then ABBA, the list of dancing songs is endless.

            In later years, attending a charismatic church, I learned about the song of the Lord and how He releases healing power, deliverance, and incredible joy in services.

The Song of the Lord still seeks to be released through us—sometimes as a roar of love that releases power, a furious sound of warfare, a groaning of intercession, and often a song of praise. (Jansen, 2017, p. 27)


Sometimes I miss those days when I ran through the church with a lady who had quadriplegia. She sat in her chair as I pushed her while I ran “through the camp.” I remember her giggles and laughter. Even she experienced incredible joy. She was disappointed not to receive her healing, but she felt like her old self, active and free for at least a short time.

People can be destroyed or built up by music. I remember attending charismatic church services and floating to the highest heavens imaginable, and then on the way home, all hell would break loose. The family's heart was ripped to shreds by any attempt at communication. We didn’t know if we should cry or run away. The devil joined us on the ride home. He stayed.

Creation is alive and sings praises to God. Nature is a praying song that, at times, is sweet and melodious and at other times fast and furious in temp. (Jansen, 2017, p. 26)


                Sitting by the campfire while the kids were swimming or boating, my heart would sing songs of gratefulness. There was peace—no fighting about money. For the moment, I forgot how disappointed I was with how my life was moving forward.

            Floating on the waters, gently kicking my feet and moving my arms, I imagined the anger, hatred, and inner rage toward abusers would drift away. I didn't know how to live without darkness. Yes, music made me smile; it carried me beyond pain and suffering and took me to Heaven, even if just for a moment.

In my opinion, the elements of melody, harmony, and rhythm generate a response from the listener. Listening to the Erlking, [4] the River Moldau, [5] the Little Bell, [6] and the Hallelujah Chorus,[7]  in succession, one experiences ups and downs of terror and calmness, beauty and peace reflecting water running over the rocks, the hunt, and the dance or dreams. The story goes that the rising of the Hallelujah Chorus moved King George II [8] to stand in appreciation. Of course, everyone present at the concert stood up as well. They followed the King's example.

The harmony of a song can be beautiful or messy. It can capture the beauty of the piece of music and rapture one's body, mind, and spirit to the heavens. Or it can be disturbing because it is disjunct, bringing about confusion, fear, and terror.

I will forever associate the melody of “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” [9] with the movie called “The Net.” [10]I can see Sandra Bullock sitting at her computer eating pizza and responding to emails. Suspense is building. I could hardly breathe while she was struggling to survive. Of course, as the story's hero, she saved the day.


when people believe in themselves,

they unleash power in themselves and resources around them

that almost immediately take them to a higher level [11]


We must first believe in our potential we are to do what we are capable of. [12]


My life was changed forever as I observed and followed my mentor's example. In retrospect, the years living in an abusive, chaotic, and sometimes violent home preoccupied my mind, forgetting my musical abilities. I had no talent like those who had been musicians for over forty years. Yet they joined me. I did not know or even imagine I had potential, much fewer capabilities in worship and music. I honestly had low skill but very high sensitivity toward the Spirit of God and what He was trying to accomplish.


God has had a plan for us to use our gifts and talents. We need to practice diligently and invest in lessons, not knowing the outcome of my faithfulness, even sacrificially. I have not always believed in myself. Despite my shortcomings, I do believe in my life verse, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13)

                He calls us through His voice, sound frequencies found in nature, and creating through man's God-given talents and abilities. He brings us to smile and be joyful. He offers opportunities to say yes, and move forward by faith into future adventures. 




Jansen, J. (2017). The Furious Sound of Glory: Unleashing Heaven on Earth Through a Supernatural Generation. Shippensburg: Destiny Image Publishers, INC.

Potter, D. (2006). facing the wall. Morovian Falls: Potterhaus Music.



[1] ABBA. Dancing Queen. (Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus and Stig Anderson) © 1974 Polar Music International AB Published by: Universal/Union Songs AB Video produced by: Lasse Hallström

[2] Dan the Banjo Man Dan the Banjo Man. 1974

[3] The Bee Gees. You should be Dancing.

[4] Music by Franz Schubert. The ErlKing Poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (see below for translation). Created by Oxford Lieder: Taken from the album 'Schubert Year by Year':

[5] Bedřich Smetana.  Vlatva (or the river Moldau).

[6] Franz Liszt. La Campanella (meaning "The Little Bell") is the nickname given to the third of six Grandes études de Paganini ("Grand Paganini Etudes"). The pianist is famous Valentina Lisitsa.

[7] Georg Friedrich Händel - Oratorio - Messiah, HWV 56 Part 2, No. 44 Chorus Hallelujah Chorus Performed by The English Concert & Choir Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth, Hallelujah! The Kingdom of this world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever, Hallelujah! King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and he shall reign forever and ever, Hallelujah! (Revelation 19:6; 11:15; 19:16)

[8] Ricky O’Bannon. 5 Things you might not know about Handel’s Messiah.,sitting%20when%20the%20king%20stood.

[9] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Eine Kleine Nachtmusic.

[10] The Net - Trailer Sandra Bullock in the movie The Net. 1995

[11] John Maxwell p. 11

[12] John Maxwell p. 16


  1. Thank you, dear Martina, for reminding us how powerful music is in drawing us into the joy of the Lord. Your words have prompted me to bring music back into my writing room. It's the perfect place to sing and dance before my Savior as no one in the house will notice or be bothered by my joyful "noise." :)
    Music was one of the ways God wooed me deeper into His Word when I was a new believer.
    Your life verse is one of my strong towers. A timely reminder for me too.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. I appreciate your words Wendy. Instrumental worship music helps me enter into the sacred space, sharing it with the Lord.

  2. Music is so powerful in its ability to evoke emotion. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about how music affected and continues to affect you.

    1. Lorrie, what is your favorite worship song? Can you chose one?

  3. I'm so sorry you suffered those abuses, Martina; so glad you had music to make you smile; to carry you "beyond pain and suffering and [take you] to Heaven, even if just for a moment." Thank you for being vulnerable with us.

    A song that is filling my heart with joy right now is "You're Beautiful" by Phil Wickham. Do you know it?

    1. Good morning, Susan. I had not heard this song before. I watched a YouTube video where this song was sung to a lovely church wedding.

    2. I had thought it would also be nice for a funeral, Martina!

  4. I completely concur that music is a powerful force in our lives! Many blessings Martina.

  5. Thanks for sharing the power of music, Martina. Some of your selections brought back beautiful memories for me! I agree with you that through music the Lord "calls us through His voice, sound frequencies found in nature, and creating through man's God-given talents and abilities."

    1. Thank you, Sandi. I am happy you shared. Some of the song selections came from a paper I wrote for a course called Music History. I had to include them. Blessed day.

  6. I love "Jesus Freak" by DC Talk. It makes me want to leap and dance. Music has also been my refuge. I loved the rock music I heard in the 60s. Now I'm in my sixties and I'm still groovin' to those awesome songs. And speaking of awesome music. Here's one album which I totally love. If I were on Desert Island Disks, I'd choose this album by Jean-Michel Jarre. Electronic music takes me out of the mundaine and into the stars.

    1. I checked out your suggestion. I also love Trevor DeMaere's

  7. Amazing post, you are right, music has the power to call all people, wish you happy sunday

  8. Music is amazing. It’s like the symphony that God has in place to bind all creation somehow breaks through and we are sometimes able to hear it above the chaos of the world. I am always astounded how those with Alzheimers cannot remember people and places but can remember all the lyrics and notes to songs that are dear to them. Thanks, Martina.

  9. I watched a movie called Alive Inside. I cried while watching it. Music brought so much freedom and joy to people who were part of the program.

    1. Will have to check it out. We have had many people in our family with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and it is so obvious as you look into their eyes you know they are trapped inside but they are there. Thanks, Martina.


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