April 13, 2022

Inspiring or Distracting by Steph Beth Nickel

As the celebration of our Lord’s substitutionary death and triumphant resurrection approaches, one of two things can happen.

We can spend extra time meditating on what Jesus accomplished on our behalf …

OR …

We can face a tsunami of extra plans and preparations coupled with trying to accomplish five days' worth of work in only four.

True Confession

Because I have extra work to accomplish this week (thankfully, some of it is even paid work), both in my office and beyond, I haven’t been spending near the amount of time I would like to focused on the Saviour.

I am thankful, however, for Christ-centred podcasts that I can listen to while I’m cleaning the church (and my house, although this won’t get near as much of my attention).

While I’m taking my daughter to work and picking her up or toodling around, running errands, I can listen to faith-based podcasts and audiobooks.

Even in the midst of my busyness, there are things I can do to keep my thoughts centred on Jesus and the price He paid on my behalf.

There are also other things happening this week that have the potential to help me focus even more intently on the most profound weekend on the Christian calendar—as long as I don’t let my mind wander to the tasks yet undone:

1. Worship team practice on Thursday night.

2. The Good Friday Service (to be followed by a fellowship lunch).

3. The Resurrection Sunday service (preceded by yet another worship team practice).

 And then there’s the amazing reminder in Colossian 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (NIV). (emphasis mine)

So, whether I’m spending quiet time with the Lord, participating in the church services, cleaning my house, preparing meals, or working in my office, I can turn my thoughts heavenward. I can work at my tasks as if doing them for God—because, ultimately, I am.

This week—or any week—I can and should commit my To-Do List to Him. In fact, I repeatedly make plans to begin each task by committing it to Him. This is not a habit I’ve gotten into, but it is one I intend to work on today and in the days ahead.

So, is the upcoming weekend an inspiration or a distraction? 

While it has the potential to be both, as we take our thoughts captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), even the distractions can inspire us.

Do you find this week inspiring, distracting, or a bit of both? How do you stay focused on our Saviour when you’re especially busy? How do you point those around you to the One we are to honour each and every day He gives us breath?


  1. Thank you for reminding us where our main focus should be. My morning quiet time helps me stay focused on Jesus. And when I lose focus during the day, I know He's always available to talk to wherever I am and no matter what I'm doing.
    Easter Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. I thank you for your honesty, Steph! Many times we don't want to admit that celebrations can be distracting and even cause stress, despite the fact that we also find them meaningful and important. Christmas is the prime example, but I think you've showed that this can also be said of Easter. Like you, I have plans to spend a lot fo time focusing on the Lord, BUT, also like you, I seem to have a lot of extra things to accomplish...

  3. I love sacred distractions. John MacArthur is doing a study about Easter from God's perspective. We know the story from our side and from Christ's. I don't believe I've heard anybody preach it from the Father's perspective before.

  4. Thanks for this reminder as I also need to intentionally chose to submit everything I do to the Lord before I start. Sometimes when I get frustrated in the middle of a task, that’s when I pray. If I had commuted it to the Lord in the first place frustration may not have happened. Thanks so much, Steph.

  5. Steph,

    Your post brings to mind Jan Karon's beloved Father Timothy character in her Mitford novels. Like so many of us, Fr Tim struggled between desiring the time to be quiet and focused during the week leading up to Easter vs feeling run off his feet with all the extra work needed to be ready for Resurrection Sunday. I have related to his torn feelings. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Perhaps it's just going with the flow, and whether we sit or walk or run through the week, we can still remain aware that His presence is always with us.


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