April 21, 2022

I Know that I Know - Tracy Krauss

What a joy it has been to read how the precious Holy Spirit has led others in their writing and faith. For me, the topic is almost too BIG! How can I share what the Holy Spirit has done for me; has meant to me? Since giving my heart to Christ back in 1982, I have felt God's presence. When I finally surrendered and gave my life to Jesus, something overcame me and I KNEW THAT I KNEW. That, to me, was the Holy Spirit at work. He is the intangible part of the trinity. We can't always explain His working except to say, "I know He is there." 

I was a young adult back then, still in university in Saskatoon, and not yet married. Somehow, God reached across the miles and touched my boyfriend who was working away in Churchill, Manitoba. (We had been together for a couple of years already.) He became a believer a few months after I did, and we decided to get married. (He proposed over the phone...!) 

Like most people, I've experienced many ups and downs. I've experienced miraculous answers to prayer. I've also had some very dark and difficult times. I can honestly say, however, that I have never felt abandoned. It is often through those darkest times that I've felt submerged in God's presence. 

John 14: 16 - 18

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (NIV - emphasis mine) 

Through untimely deaths, watching loved ones struggle with addiction, and so much more, the Holy Spirit has given me comfort and confidence that He has not abandoned me or my loved ones. Sometimes it is through scripture, seemingly picked for that exact circumstance. Sometimes it is through the encouragement of a friend in an unexpected text or phone call. Sometimes it is during a worship service or even at home while listening to music. Sometimes it is during prayer or even tears. Sometimes it is nothing other than that KNOWING... I think the key is allowing oneself to be open to His moving.

As a writer, I've also tried my best to follow His direction when it comes to my writing. Despite rejection and discouragement, I've never wavered in writing what I believe I am called to write. (Okay, maybe I've questioned myself a time or two, but it rarely lasts more than a few minutes...) Some may question my choices, but ultimately I must answer to God.  

Luke 12: 12

"...for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”(NIV)

Tracy Krauss writes from her home in Northern BC. Visit her website for more: tracykrauss.com - fiction on the edge without crossing the line -


  1. Thank you, dear Tracy, for your inspiring testimony about knowing the Holy Spirit.

    So many people came to know God during the 1980s. May many more come to know Him now, our children, our grandchildren, and our neighbours. Come, Holy Spirit, and bring revival in our day.

    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. A wonderful post, Tracy. I relate to the experience of being ‘submerged in God’s presence’ during ‘those darkest times’. I echo your appreciation of the posts about the most Holy Spirit. Such vast experiences. So like Him.

  3. Thanks, Tracy, for acknowledging all our posts on the broad topic of how the Spirit's activity in our lives. I love how you acknowledge that we are often "submerged in God's presence"--something that we KNOW. And thanks for encouraging us "to be open to the Spirit's moving."

    1. Thank you for your continued encouragement and guidance as well, Sandi!


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