March 03, 2021

Are you accepting His Gift? An Easter Devotional by Lynn J Simpson

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

How do you receive gifts from your loved ones? Do you say thank-you with words of gratitude? Most likely what you do not do is offer to pay for the gift you just received! A gift is defined as something given to someone without expectation of payment. God’s gift of eternal life is a free gift that also does not require payment from us.  Our salvation is not earned by righteous acts. Instead, it is because of His grace and mercy that we are free from the slavery of sin and death. God’s gift is beyond any gifts we receive from our loved ones! So may we be full of praise and thanksgiving to God who gave us the precious gift of His son. 

When Jesus died on the cross He saved us. His presence with God in heaven assures us that he continues to be forgiving of our past, present, and future sins when we come to Him. We can be secure in knowing we are fully accepted by Him, not needing the acceptance of others to be forgiven. We can be assured that even though we feel disappointed, He is always looking out for our best interests. When we live in the grace of Christ we experience the freedom from guilt and failure to do His work. Let's spread this good news by accepting His gift of eternal life, by living out our security we have through Him and building His Kingdom as He is calling us to!


  1. Love this Lynn. I need these reminders all the time that He is amazingly gracious and tender-hearted towards us. This really stood out to me as well: “We can be secure in knowing we are fully accepted by Him, not needing the acceptance of others to be forgiven.”
    Pam M.

  2. God's grace is also a wonderful gift. A cultic house church led me to believe that a person had to have enough faith or they wouldn't be healed. Now I know that God's grace truly is sufficient for us. Disabilities aren't a sin or caused by sin but are opportunities for growth.

    It's also pride which causes people not to accept gifts. My mom was bad for that. She could never just accept something. Pride sure does rob us of so many benefits.

  3. Such a succinct reminder. Thanks Lynn!

  4. I had just read my devotional for the morning on how Jesus is the light and our light--and your photo of light coming into the window was a fitting conclusion.
    Yes, Jesus "continues to be forgiving of our past, present, and future sins when we come to Him." And we have that assurance. Thanks for this devotional, Lynn.

  5. Thank you for your beautiful words and thoughts. The post was a gift to me.
    JQ Rose

  6. Thanks for this wonderful, encouraging post.

  7. Lovely image of the light - the colour - the LIFE shining through.


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