October 13, 2019

Inspirational Podcasts for Writers by Wendy L. Macdonald

I’ve lost track of how many podcasts about writing I’ve listened to; however, I know which ones I recommend most. Like me, the ladies who produce my favorite podcasts, Write from the Deep, are Jesus loving nature-lovers.

 Each and every podcast has been a humongous blessing to me.

Interruptions & Detours:

When I wondered if the reason my life was invaded by a string of interruptions was because I’m not supposed to be a writer, along came some Write from the Deep podcasts to the rescue: Gratitude (Robin Patchen) & The Right GPS for the Writing Journey

I listened to how an inspirational writer successfully navigated bumpy trails and unplanned detours.

Sometimes the reason we have roadblocks is because spiritual warfare is happening. This means: We must forge prayerfully ahead unless God specifically says to stop.


When I wondered if other writers struggle with self-doubt as much as I do, along came Write from the Deep to the rescue with a podcast overflowing with encouragement: Did God Really Ask You to Write?

Sometimes the reason we’re discouraged is because we need a reminder we’re not alone.

Writing Seasons:

When I wondered why my writing life is a roller-coaster ride, along came Write from the Deep to the rescue with a podcast about the seasons of a writer’s life: Writing Season

Sometimes, the reason why we’re in a valley is because it’s a natural season of the writing life.

Anyways, I think I’ve given you a good idea of what you can expect when you listen to one of the Write from the Deep podcasts. You may also want to visit their website at: Write from the Deep

Enjoy. And don’t forget to tell them Wendy Mac sent you. I’m one of their loyal listeners.

I'm nosy-to-know if you have an inspirational podcast you'd like to recommend to me?

Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


  I’m a podcaster too. You can listen to any of my 155 and growing list of short (5-10 min.) inspirational programs here: Walking with Hope


  1. Thanks for sharing these links Wendy! And your's as well. I'm not in the habit of listening to podcast and know it would be beneficial to do so! When I have I like Donald Millar's interviews and You're Not As Smart As You Think (on topics like AI, and the brain) but writing ones would add inspiration to the my listening!

    1. Thank you, dear Lynn, for your suggestions. I will look those ones up the next time I need something to listen to while I cook, clean, or exercise.
      Thanksgiving Blessings - Wendy Mac

  2. Thank you for the links. I had not heard of this podcast before but now I plan to listen to some of them. I also identified with all of your headings - self doubt, interruptions, and writing season have all had their time in my writing life. As for podcasts, I don't listen to many on a regular basis, so maybe that is going to change.

    1. I look forward to their podcasts. Because Karen and Erin are writers and editors, they have a lot of wisdom to share. Karen Ball is a former literary agent too.
      Sometimes I listen to podcasts when I draw or paint; this is something I need to get back into as it's relaxing self-care. 💙
      Happy Thanksgiving, dear Tracy.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac

  3. Thanks, Wendy, for sharing these great resources and your ideas about listening to podcasts while doing other activities. Hope you are having a blessed Thanksgiving weekend.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. Happy Thanksgiving Day.

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words about the podcast, Wendy! Karen and I are encouraged ourselves when we hear how God uses these podcasts. It's a reminder to us that He always knows what He's doing when He gives us topics and ideas. And, boy, He ministers to us too in the process. We are in the care of an amazing God. : )

    1. You're welcome, dear Erin. And thank you for stopping by. Today I listened to the latest Write from the Deep while I tidied up my writing space. I agree God's care carries us close to His heart.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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