October 22, 2019

Being Together by Alan Anderson

“I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”—John 17:23

I attended my first InScribe annual conference this Sept. From start to finish, I enjoyed this time to interact with our InScribe family of storytellers. Allow me to expand on my experience at our conference.

Are We There Yet?

My wife, Terry, accompanied me to our conference. She has a brother living in Edmonton and spent time with him after the conference. Our directions noted it was twenty-four minutes' drive to the Providence Center. Terry drove, and I navigated. My directional challenged way took over. I can confuse any technological direction gizmo.

We were enjoying the scenic route I steered us on. Inside my mind, I asked myself the question, “Are We There Yet?” During this trip around our unfamiliar surroundings, I endeavoured to make sense out of the direction thingy on my wife’s phone. Oh boy, I determined I had no clue where we were. Terry caught on to this with the speed of light. 

After cool heads prevailed, we turned the car around and thanks be to God we soon drove into the driveway of Providence Center. With my navigational skills, we could condense the twenty-four-minute drive into one hour and five minutes. Terry looked frazzled but she recovered well.

We checked into our room at Providence then headed downstairs. We came to the gym-sized room and a few people were inside. I introduced Terry and myself to the first person we saw. A few seconds after, Tracy, our esteemed President of InScribe, also introduced herself with a hug. I knew at this point I reached one of my bucket list items, attending an InScribe Writers’ Conference.

Conference Musings

As I began to understand more of the open space format, I enjoyed the whole thing. After attending conferences of different types over the years the “open space” format is a welcome change. I like a format where attenders may interact if they choose. I also had the privilege of facilitating a session on writing as healing. 

As I reflect on the conference, my chats with Sally Meadows are a highlight for me. Sally and I have corresponded with each other for a few years. My time with Sally, sealed my belief, meeting people is a primary component of a conference. I also anticipate an ongoing relationship with Caran and Diane, two storytellers who live across the river from me. 

The times of worship first thing each day helped ground me for the day. I enjoyed the one-to-one interaction with fellow InScribers just as much. Each person I sat with allowed me into their journey as storytellers. I learned a lot as I sat and listened to their stories.

God made us unique and our uniqueness shows in our stories. These writers ministered to me and helped me clarify my voice as a storyteller. This helps me minister to other people.

I’m thankful beyond measure to our executive team for the work they did to put the conference together. We gathered as writers out of our love of God, being storytellers, and to be with each other. Through our conference, we enjoy unity with other Christians. God loves this.



  1. So glad you found your way to the conference! And making those 'face' connections is so important-agreed! I hope you can make next year's too.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Lynn. Oh no, did I miss you at the conference? My apologies if so. If, Lord willing, we both attend next year, let's touch base. :)

  2. I love your story about going to Fall Conference, something I had done for a number of years. I always loved meeting the ones I read and correspond with online and folks who were brand new to me, but immediate friends.

    Connie Inglis in one of her devotionals referred to our Fellowscript as a “koinonia," a term I also referred to in a FellowScript column a while back. Just now, I found the following explanation of the word online: "The importance of true Christian fellowship, koinonia, is that it helps us to focus on Christ and His desires and goals for us. True Christian fellowship sharpens one another's faith and stirs us to exercise that faith in love and good works, all to God's glory.” In the case of InScribe, I believe our main goal for "good works" is to share our faith through our writing. Interacting in real time at a conference furthers our cause.

    Due to caregiving my husband, attending FC wasn’t feasible, but I believe I was there in spirit. Thanks for sharing your experience, Alan.

    1. Sharon, you are always an encouragement to me. Bless you and your husband, my friend.

  3. It was a joy and a pleasure to meet you, Alan. My only regret is that we did not get much time to actually get to know one another. (Too much flitting about on my part!) Perhaps next time we'll have a good tete-a-tete.

    1. Hi Tracy! You had a lot on your plate at the conference. Yes, Lord willing, next conference let's have a good chat.

  4. Alan,
    I was so pleased to see you at conference. My one regret is that I didn't make the time to sit down and have a good chat with you. I'm glad you felt welcome and enjoyed the new format. See you next year?

    1. Hi Ruth! Yes, let's chat next year. There is a lot on the go at the conference and I know you can't get around to everyone. :)

  5. Jeff and I had trouble with getting to the conference using navigation too! I usually have no problem with it, but we ended up going around and around the traffic circle until we finally figured it out (without the navigation). Anyway, Alan, I was so, so pleased to finally meet you in person. Best part of the conference is making those connections. :)

    1. I had fun chatting with you, Sally. After a few years of chatting on Facebook I enjoyed meeting you in person. I also like our spouses were with us and we could all meet each other.

  6. I enjoyed sharing breakfast with you and Terry one morning. Like Tracy, I regret not getting more time to visit with you and Terry!

  7. Hi Colleen! You had lots on the go at the conference. We can make a point, Lord willing, at next year's conference to chat.

  8. Thanks for your sensitive comments on how different people touched your life at Conference. I, too, find that I don't get around to meeting everyone. I so enjoyed your workshop and came away with one of the highlights to remember--and I had only a couple minutes to visit with you, Thanks for summing up by saying how as a community we've been ministered to so we can minister to others.

  9. Hi Sandi! :) I appreciate your kind comments. I found the time flew by fast. I hope we can chat at our next conference. Keep on writing, Sandi.

  10. It sounds like you had a wonderful time at the conference and hitting those things on your bucket list proved very gratifying as well. Meeting people in person does so much to enhance a relationship and I too hope that one day we will meet in person.

  11. Hi Vickie! Hi my dear writing buddy! Yes, I admit the highlight of our conference is people meeting. I loved sitting and just chatting with our InScribe family members. I too hope we can meet in person one of these days. Ok, you're on my bucket list of people I have to meet. Get ready for a hug, Vickie. :)


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