January 29, 2019



Held annually, InScribe’s Winter Contest was created to celebrate those members whose work was published in the previous calendar year. One prize of $100 is awarded to the winning submission in each category. If fewer than 4 submissions are received in a category, the category will be cancelled and fees will be returned.
Prizes will be awarded by April 30, 2019.


·      Members in good standing (membership must be paid up)
·      Send submissions to contests@inscribe.org
·      All entries must be original, published work
·      Publication must have occurred between January 1 and December 31 of the previous calendar year (2018)
·      Two copies of each piece are required:
·                  1 – A scan of the original publication, which shows your name as author, the source of publication, and the date. (Include Table of Contents if published in an anthology.)
·                  2 – A word document of your piece, re-typed into double-spacing, Times New Roman font, 12 point. Do not include your name, photos, date, or publication source. This document goes on to the judges.  

·      Online published items must be a third-party publication, i.e., not on the author’s blog or website, and submissions must include a link to the item and screen shot of item with the publication date. Also include the word document of your piece as stated above.
·      Simultaneous submissions are acceptable (may be submitted elsewhere)
·      Multiple submissions welcomed—entry fees must accompany each entry
·      Entry Fee: $30/entry (includes a professional critique) must be paid at the time of submission. See the website for more details.


·      Non-fiction article
·      Devotional
·      Poetryfree verse or rhymed. Song lyrics accepted also. 
·      Fiction—Adult Short Story or Short Drama

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