January 27, 2016

Surrender by Loretta Bouillon

I’ve made a personal decision. I have surrendered my writing to God. The past couple of years I’ve set goals, tried to establish schedules, entered contests, submitted pieces here and there and sporadically worked  on my novel.  I’ve had some of my writing published and it’s been exciting, enlightening, challenging, satisfying and stretching all rolled up into one big experience.

While reflecting on this past year of trials and change, I realized that I added to my own stress by trying to do everything. Even though my intent was to write for God, to write His words, according to His timing and for His glory, I easily slipped into my own agenda. Writing became a stress added to an already stressful year and the joy of writing slowly faded. And….it was exhausting. Surrender--there is so much freedom in it isn’t there? Why is it so difficult for me to do?

So here’s my new revelation: I am going to relax. Here's an honest admission: I don’t feel called to write for a career. It’s not my livelihood (although that would be really nice J) and it’s not a race. I realize that we are all at different places in our writing journeys but this is the place I’m at, and I’m okay with it.

So here I am, God. I will write to commune with you. I will write to hear you better. I will write to bless others when you ask me to. I offer up my words, my pen and my laptop. I thank you for the gift of writing.


"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7


  1. Letting go and letting God is always the best method. thanks for the great post

  2. I'm hearing the song by Robin Mark, "Jesus, All for Jesus", which we sang this past Sunday at church. Thanks for the reminder, Loretta, that there is freedom, found in God's plan.
    Jesus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.
    Jesus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands.
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands.
    For it's only in Your will that I am free,
    For it's only in Your will that I am free,
    Jesus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.

  3. I was deeply moved by your post, Loretta. I listened to this song sung by Robin Mark on YouTube. This reminded me of the old hymn "All to Jesus I Surrender, which I found at this website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x2IpLSfqp8

  4. It is good to relax--and also to rest and have peace. I'm glad you're okay with your new revelation and may God grant you continued rest and peace.


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