September 15, 2014

I've Been Inscribed - Tracy Krauss

Inscribe's Fall Conference is just around the corner and I can hardly wait! Here is a little account of how I came to know about this wonderful organization, originally posted on my blog 'Expression Express'.

I came across Inscribe back in the summer of 2010 as I was searching the internet for ways to connect with other authors. Although I had been a 'closet' writer for many years, I was newly among the ranks of 'the published' and unfortunately, really didn't have a clue about building a platform, social networking, or book promotion in general. I suppose you could say, I came upon the marketing side of things through the back door. One of the suggestions I read somewhere was to set up 'google alerts' for topics that interested me, and that is how I found Inscribe.

You can't imagine my excitement when I discovered that there was a Canadian organization for Christian writers fairly near where I lived. (An eight hour drive... What's that in the grand scheme of things?) I was also thrilled to find out that they were hosting a conference that fall in Edmonton. I signed up!

That first conference was an eye opener for me. Rudy Wiebe was the guest speaker on Friday night and Sigmund Brouwer was the keynote speaker the next day. I was encouraged, challenged and inspired. I made my first, live connections with other authors who loved writing in the same way that I did. (As opposed to just online relationships.) I also found out there was a local writing group two hours from my home in BC, and I was introduced to the Inscribe Writer's blog and decided to become a contributing author.

After attending my second conference in 2012, I felt 'nudged' by the Holy Spirit to get more involved. I offered to help with moderating the website and was put in charge of the bookstore and membership pages. We now have a full time webmaster looking after the entire website - totally revamped and updated, I might add - so I no longer do that. However, I did offer my services as the BC rep and it is my honour to now serve on the executive as the 'Local Writing Groups' coordinator. In 2013 I also had the privilege of facilitating a workshop on blogging.

One of the things that I love about this organization is the humility and genuineness of its members, including the executive. There is no snobbery here. Published, unpublished, newbies, old timers ... everyone is welcomed and valued. People are willing to share their knowledge and  truly care about each and every member. Inscribe feels like 'home'. I'm so glad I found you!

Tracy Krauss lives and writes in Tumbler Ridge, BC. Visit her website for more about her many published books and plays.


  1. And how blessed Inscribe is to have found you young lady! That is such a lovely testimony to Inscribe but how important it is for writers to reach out and connect. I can't wait to see you at Fall Conference! Great post, Tracy.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Tracy! You and I connected with InScribe the same year, and now it is a joy to serve with you on the executive. Just over a week to go until I get to see you and my other InScribe friends again :)

  3. As A newbie I feel very welcomed and encouraged and inspired. Thank-you Tracy.

  4. I just joined InScribe last year and last year's conference was my first. It's funny how a person can join a group and assume that everyone has been a part of it for a long time. That's what I thought of you when I met you, I guess partly because you have been published. But now I read your blog and discover that you haven't been a member for very long either.

    That's encouraging to me--giving me the strength to keep going with my writing.

    I too LOVE being a part of the InScribe family. God is good.

  5. Wow! Tracy this was so informative for me, especially as new writer myself. I've felt so many of those same feelings as you. I long to connect with other writers and continually search for General Interest writing classes or programs just so I can be among people who have the desire to write, published or not. I too have enjoyed contributing to the InScribe blog! And I was just as excited to come across InScribe when I was surfing the internet. Kudos for sharing the good word about InScribe.

  6. Weird - I left comments already but they didn;t show up... oh well. I really do love inscribe - and people like you who left comments!

  7. Tracy, my sentiments exactly! I am so blessed to have found this group. I have been so encouraged and enlightened. I look forward to meeting you someday!

  8. InScribe has been such a blessing... a boon... to me too.

    My very first conference was a Spring WorDshop in Calgary around 2002. Kathleen Gibson was the keynote. Her words changed my world.

    I've been glad to be connected to so many wonderful people ... you all hold special spots in my heart.

    Tracy, I remember sitting with you at the banquet that first year you came. Wonderful!


  9. I love your title, Tracy, and of course what follows. Belonging to this group, gives us a feeling of belonging and inscribed says a lot.

    For meanings of the word inscribed, referring to Gage Canadian Dictionary, it does mean "written." It can also mean "impressed deeply." By your blog, I'd say you were impressed deeply with what InScribe has to offer.

    Then my thoughts took a different twist. Paul in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians says, "You yourselves are our letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." (2 Cor. 3:2-3)

    Again, you are inscribed. We all are inscribed on each other's hearts. That may explain why there is humility and genuineness among our members. Snobbery or division between newbies and old timers, published or unpublished should have a place in our "fellowship."

    Thanks for a well-written post, Tracy!


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