September 11, 2014

I am a Noob. Is that buzzworthy? by Connie Inglis

I must be honest at the start of this post; I struggled with knowing how to respond to the prompt for this month. As one who just started writing seriously, I have no, 'How To' tips to share and no new resource that I wish I had when I first started out. But then yesterday I got a brainwave when I thought about selecting three words I didn't know (which I believe was the Holy Spirit helping me when I couldn't help myself).

It has only been in the past four or five years that I've started to intentionally write, so I decided to look at new words that have appeared in the dictionary in the past five years and implement a number of them in a piece of writing. What fun this has been. It also helped me realize that resources in technology have definitely advanced opportunity in the writing world--exciting but also a little scary.

The following piece of writing is also an example of the genre I love to write in: poetry. And in a continuation of my focus on writing sonnets over the summer, I have taken the sonnet, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and tweaked it to reflect life and relationships in today's day and age. (This is meant to be fun so I hope no one is offended by my use of this poem.)

How do I meet thee? Let me count the ways

How do I meet thee? Let me count the ways.
I browse the web, its depth and breadth and height
With laptop, smartphone, phablet all in sight
The infomania shocks my mind--no grace.
My drive to meet thee haunteth every day's
Femtosecond, by wifi day or night.
I scroll on facebook, as men strive for right;
Looking for selfies, photos tagged in praise.
I question friends with passion put to use
From past loves and with ebullient faith.
I tweet, twitter, retweet yet seem to lose
All hope. Then bestie texts--I hold my breath,
And laugh for lost is found; now I must choose,
Courage to connect or dream unto death.


  1. What a great idea. I going to research new words in the dictionary and grow my vocabulary.

  2. We had fun reading your post today, Connie.

    I think you did a marvelous job of working in this month's theme. You and Holy Spirit work well together!

    Loved the bird cartoon...and your take on a classic poem.

    Blog Moderator

  3. Well now, Connie, as the newspeople might say, you have taken Elizabeth to new and wireless heights.

    I enjoyed your thoughts, but I've never thought of you as a noob. Thanks for your blog!'

  4. I enjoyed your poem. Nice take on a familiar poem. And the bird cartoon was funny. Thanks for writing.

  5. Well Sharon, I don't tweet or twitter or hashtag or even own a smartphone let alone a phablet; and I do feel like I'm a noob when it comes to the writer world. That being said there is definite joy in the journey.

    Thanks for your positive comments ladies.

  6. Thanks Connie
    I chuckled as I read your post, and now also have a new word to define myself and sound 'with it' at the same time--noob. I also liked the cartoon. I too have enjoyed the learning of new words, and technology is great for that.
    Well done!

  7. Haha! Connie. You made me laugh. Funny girl. That comic was hilarious. Way to make a good thing out of a blank slate. Love the way we can ALWAYS depend on the Lord to inspire us. Great sonnet. Wit and wisdom all rolled into one.

  8. I sure like your wireless birdies. What a good way to introduce a new way. I still get lost in twitter, linkin, blogging etc., and struggle to understand. It is exciting though and I keep learning.


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