March 03, 2013

Have You Done a Spiritual Inventory? - Janis Cox

I have been a part of a Bible Study in Mesa, Arizona. We have been studying Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby.

One of the exercises this week asked us to check back in our lives and do a spiritual inventory. I had to look back and find out where I saw God working in my life. Specifics.

"A circumstance is an event in your life through which God chooses to speak." tweet this

Blackaby makes it clear that all circumstances are not that significant.

This is a great exercise to see the Presence of God in our lives.

Here are three notable spiritual markers from my life:

1993: At my Dad's funeral, while we were standing to sing, "Onward Christian Soldiers", I felt a God hug. It was a physical Presence that brought amazing joy amidst the sorrow of that time.

1999: A curling friend told me about a new contemporary service starting at Wellington Square United Church in Burlington. At that time I did not feel connected to any members of the church I attended and did not even want to get up for an 11 am service. I felt far away from God. This friend led me to an amazing group of women, who led me back to knowing God and accepting Christ to be Lord of my life in 2001. This changed my life. And I attended a 9am service every week.

2004: Armed with 150 spiritual poems that I had journalled since allowing Jesus into my life, I attended Write!Canada in Guelph, Ontario. I admit I had severe reservations, nervousness and felt quite out of my league. However, I found warm, caring, encouraging Christians who started me on a writing career with God.

Have you ever taken a spiritual inventory of your life? Write in the comment section your 3 spiritual markers. I am sure we have many more - but time and space allowed this number.

Janis, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. She has published a couple of devotionals and a number of articles.

As owner of Under the Cover of Prayer she writes often.

Her children's book, Tadeo Turtle, is now available. An accompanying curriculum can be obtained as well.

Email her at Janis or visit her at www.


  1. This is a wonderful idea. I have done this type of inventory a few times and it does a lot to boost your faith. God sets this example with the Isrealites when they are to observe certain feasts etc. to 'remember'. Wonderful post.

  2. Thanks Tracy,
    Yes it was a good practice to work on - looking back at where God intervened in a tangible way in my life.

  3. I love Experiencing God, and our son enjoyed it too in his teen years. Taking a spiritual inventory is a wonderful opportunity to review God's blessings and His faithfulness.
    Love in Him,


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