I have recently been reading up on the World Trade Center and reflecting on the lessons that can be learned from that.
The World Trade Center was designed to bring together in one spot anyone and anything connected with world trade. Yamasaki, the architect, was given explicit instruction: twelve million square feet of floor area on 16 acres with a budget of under $500 million. Yamasaki decided on a two main tower development, 1,368 high with 110 stories, providing about 10 million square feet of rentable space, to be occupied by about 50,000 people. The technology involved in constructing a building strong enough to carry its own weight and withstand any wind storms is mind boggling.
“World trade means world peace and consequently the World Trade Center buildings in New York have a bigger purpose than just to provide room for tenants. The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man's dedication to world peace,” Yamasaki is quoted as saying, “ Beyond the compelling need to make this a monument to world peace, the World Trade Center should, because of its importance, become a representation of man's belief in humanity, his need for individual dignity, his beliefs in the cooperation of men, and through cooperation, his ability to find greatness."
The official opening of the Trade Centre took place on April 4, 1973 although occupancy began two years earlier.
Just 28 years after the ribbon cutting, the towers and all smaller buildings connected to the complex were destroyed at the cost of 2,800 human lives. What was considered man’s greatest achievement toward establishing world peace had been reduced to ashes.
Thus it has always been with man’s self efforts, whether for personal glory and acclaim or on a world scale. We need only to look at world history, from the pharaohs of Egypt right down to Hitler and Stalin in more recent times to recognize that truth.
“What is man’s greatest achievement?” CNN personnel asked this question of people passing on the streets in various cities. Answers covered everything from fire, planes, and computers to cup noodles. One man said, “Peace, I'd say peace. That would be the greatest achievement for all."
Yes, that it would be, if it were possible. History has proven, however, that it can’t be done by man’s effort. Ever since Adam and Eve decided to go contrary to their Creator, mankind has tried to establish himself, but without success.
God knew that. That is why He sent Jesus to pay the price for our waywardness by His death and resurrection. If we acknowledge our need of His forgiveness and hand over Leadership of our lives to Him, our purpose shifts from our own interests to His purposes for us. Unity of the human race can be achieved only if we follow the same Leader, the God who made us and knows what is best for us. Jesus is the only way to world peace.
The end
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