August 04, 2010

Inside Out - Gwen Mathieu

Monday was a holiday, so after doing some extra cleaning, I decided to set up our tent-like canopy gazebo; you know the kind, with numerous poles and netting. It was a hand-me down from my sister; her yard had outgrown it.

I set it up a few times before but it was always in the way of cutting the lawn. While mowing earlier in the day, I spotted a neat corner of the yard, among the pine trees, where the grass grows sparingly. That will be a perfect spot. I had to saw a few dead branches off a pine tree, to make room, but that was no problem.

I spread out the canopy, dumped the metal poles on the ground and set to work. Having put most of the poles through the loops, I was convinced it was upside down so I pulled out some pegs and turned it over. I spread it out, again, pounded the pegs in, again. Lawn chairs had to be put in the middle in order to get under the structure to put the poles in place. This was not an easy task on a hot day, wearing a hoodie to keep mosquitoes away.

Finally, I had the contraption constructed, zippered the flap shut and sat in a mosquito free canopy. What pleasure! Looking up at the top cover, I wondered why the ends of the tent were sagging. Are some of the ties missing for the poles? I studied it for sometime before I realized the canopy was inside out. The top poles were to be inside, holding up the edges and the inner poles were to be outside. After changing it twice, I decided it could stay that way for a few days. And as I sat in the canopy tent, I was staring at a crop of raspberries needing to be picked. So much for enjoying my mosquito free venture.

Some days go like that! I had no instructions for assembling and guessed at every turn; even ended up with an extra pole from somewhere. In my Christian walk, if I don’t use the pattern set out in God’s word, my life will take an upside down, inside out course.
It is two days later and my canopy is still inside out. I haven’t even taken time to sit in it. Oh, well! Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your posting, Gwen!

    Your story kinda reminds me of the time on one of our own camping trips when I was a kid. We've arrived at the campsite and Dad's setting up the tent. He asks, "where are the poles?" What poles? (So he make shifts something) Where are the pegs? What pegs? (Somehow they got left at home)... it's a story we love to retell all these years later.

    Like your tent, ours stayed up in spite of it all!

    Hope you get a chance to enjoy a mosquito-less afternoon soon!


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