August 07, 2010

Bumper-Sticker Sermon: Janet Sketchley

Jesus loves you.
Everyone else thinks you’re a jerk.
So proclaimed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me. (And I’ve edited the fine print.)

The “Jesus loves you” part was in large print, luring the eye to the punch line.

The implication was that Jesus, perhaps like your mother, has to love you. It’s in the job description. And perhaps He and Mom aren’t very bright or objective.

Still, it got me thinking.

He does love me, I know that. (So does my mom.)

Then, so what if everyone else (some days me included) thinks poorly of me?

Whose opinion matters most?

Jesus loves me, this I know. And in that knowledge will I rest.

© Janet Sketchley, 2010
For devotionals, reviews and conversation, stop by Janet Sketchley's blog, God with Us: Finding Joy.


  1. Stephanie5:24 am GMT-7

    'tis true, Janet. That others may think we're less than lovable doesn't change the fact that the One who gave His life for us loves us. When others love us it's really just a perk. I hope His opinion of me matters more to me than others' or even my own.

  2. Anonymous7:38 am GMT-7

    Dear Janet: Well written. Yes, Jesus does love you (and so do I). Mom

  3. That's the thing isn't it. A bumper sticker bumps you and sticks with you, whether you want it to or not.
    Loves me? Now that is one worth believing and knowing for sure.

    Our church sermon this am was called
    Where is God when....? And the answer? Near, allowing stuff that helps us grow and become and sense being loved.
    Brenda Wood

  4. What a brain skid on a bumper! It felt like someone who didn't know him took Jesus' name and misused it for shock value.

    But maybe someone will just catch the large print and the result will be the opposite of the intention. I'd love it--and God is more than able to do that.

    And yes, all that matters is that Jesus loves us and that we know who we are in him, praise God.

  5. I'm always interested in what people are willing to stick to the backs of their vehicles.

    This fellow probably thought he was being 'funny and cute'.... but methinks he played right into God's hands. Because the truth remains, Jesus loves us no matter what anyone else thinks!

    End of story.

  6. Short sermons stick the best. Few people will forget that little message. Even if it wasn't intended for good, you're right, it's making people think.
    Your posts are always short and to the point and they make me think too. Well done!


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