June 16, 2010

Do We Know When God Disciplines Us?

Scripture: Hebrews 12: 1-13

Since we can become so entangled in sin, the Bible tells us to throw off all that hinders us. God knows what those things are, and we ought to be aware of any sin that may be a hindrance to our walk with God. If we become all wrapped up in sin, we become entangled. When we become entangled, where are our thoughts? In the web or heart of sin of course.

God says to throw it off and make a run for it. Throw off the sin and persevere or chase the plan that God has marked for us. When our focus is on Jesus we don’t have to become entangled. Jesus disentangled the web of sin on the cross. With the joy set before Him, “He endured the cross scorning its shame.” (Hebrews 12:2b)

This is the same joy and hope we can now possess and are running toward. Consider how our Savior endured opposition from sinful men. Let us not forget that like Jesus, we too face temptation and scorn. Do you hear him saying, don’t lose heart, I will encourage you until you finish the race?

How do we stand the test of faith when we are persecuted or struggling with sin? Paul endured hardship to the point of being chained like a criminal. Hebrews 12:4 says, “Have you not resisted to the point of shedding your blood?” Have you not let go and dealt with your sins? Jesus, the sinless One submitted His will.

Can we surrender our all and be like Jesus? Why do we sometimes resist and continue to struggle with sin? Have we forgotten God’s promises of encouragement and truth? We must allow God to discipline us lovingly. He disciplines us for our own good, that way we may share in His Holiness. What a delight!

As God disciplines His dearly loved children as true sons and daughters, He picks us up by the collar and offers reassurance that He is in charge and corrects us when we do wrong. Hebrews 12:8b says, “If we are not disciplined we are illegitimate, we are not true sons.” God disciplines out of love. We ought to allow God to lead us aright. We cannot live a holy life in a web of sin. We must throw off all that hinders us and get right with God so that we can know His holiness, righteousness and peace. Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.


-Gods Word tells us to be aware of the devils schemes. Are you aware of any type of tricks that the devil may have attempted with you?
- Are you open and honest with God with your shortcomings or perhaps unconfessed sin?
-Are you trusting God to help you with your brokenness? How?
-Can you witness to the harvest of righteousness that came out of a personal trial?

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to know that when we're running towards Him, we're automatically moving away from those things that entangle us.


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