February 22, 2010

Finding Fulfillment - Jan Keats

“I will listen to God the Lord. He has ordered peace for those who worship Him!” (Psalm 85:8 NIV)
My daughter and I love to shop together. On one occasion something made me realize that shopping wasn’t just something to do, it was a bonding time between a mother and daughter.

At a clothing store one Saturday, we picked out a few articles and proceeded to the change rooms. We found stalls next to each other and we were soon engaged in a wonderful chat about our findings, among other things. Suddenly we heard a voice from the adjacent stall saying, “You two must be mother and daughter.” We both acknowledged that we were. Then the mysterious elderly lady’s voice said somberly, “I never had a daughter; listening to you both makes me wish that I had. You seem to be really close. I have a son whom I love dearly, but my son doesn’t like to shop,” she chuckled.

We were speechless, hoping to say something to appease her sorrowful and unfulfilled heart. At the same time we realized how grateful we were to have a special mother/daughter relationship. Neither of us saw that elderly woman. She left the change room before we did. We were having too much fun trying on clothes.

Throughout the rest of the day, we couldn’t get that woman off our minds. She must be so lonely, I thought. I wondered if she had found fulfillment in life. We didn’t know anything about her, yet our hearts ached for her. Was she widowed? Was she living all alone? Does her son live nearby? Did she browse the shopping centres frequently to fill the void in her life? Did she know God? We simply didn’t know.

But God knows. The woman was blessed with a son, yet she hoped to have had a daughter to bond with. The woman was also blessed with a long life, yet it seemed she was feeling empty and unfulfilled in her senior years. Even through her blessings, she had a longing for peace. The Bible says that God is the peace and joy giver. His promises are for her. His uncompromising peace is for her. Psalm 4:11a says, “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.”

How about you? Are you content and at peace with God? Fulfillment comes through trusting and walking daily with God. Your life is carved into his hand. As I remember the lonely woman, and how I was caused to feel her emptiness, I pray that she will find the peace and contentment she is longing for. Proverbs 30:5 says, “Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.”
Lord, help us to seek and find fulfillment when we feel empty and lonely. We believe you are the true source of life, who offers peace and joy to everyone.

Jan Keats

1 comment:

  1. So inspiring Jan. You and your daughter sound like two of a kind!
    God bless,


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