October 23, 2009

How is Your Faith?

Sometimes along the Christian Journey all kinds of negative thoughts and turmoil may interfere with walking in peace and harmony with the Master.
There are ways to determine whether or not the view of the narrow road is still visible and known. Study the following questions and test for yourself to see if you’re lined up with God’s expectations in living a fruitful Christian life.

When you are standing among a crowd does your light still shine?
Do you still possess the joy of the Lord?
Do you feel that you are somehow distanced between you and your God?
Is His message of love still in your heart?
Have you experienced God’s forgiveness?
Are you still able to openly declare that you belong to Jesus?
Do you secretly pass judgement on fellow Christians?
Do you miss His loving touch? His presence near you?
Do you possess the fruits of the Spirit?
How is your prayer life? Have you been neglecting to meet with God?

Be honest. It may be difficult to admit that we are not up to His standards even when legitimate circumstances interfere with our relationship with God. God still knows those who are His. Despite our shortcomings and weaknesses in any of these 10 thought provoking questions, God still waits for us to come alongside Him. He will still pull up that chair and sit beside us when we come to Him in faith. When we fail Him, we must remember that he will not forsake us. When we praise Him we must remember how we please Him.

If we don’t lose heart during the discouraged moments then we have overcome the same temptations that Jesus Himself suffered. How do we then keep forging ahead? Just remember when we fall back, come back! Don’t even entertain the idea of falling back and staying back. Jesus didn’t remain in the garden when He was perhaps at His weakest moment. He prayed to the Father and proceeded to follow His Father’s Will; yes, even death on a cross. Each of God’s children has the opportunity to pray and continue in the journey. That’s where peace is! That’s where joy is! That’s where we belong; in the everlasting arms of the Father!

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
(I Corinthians 10:13NIV)

Keep strong in the Lord! He will light your path along the journey!

Jan Keats

1 comment:

  1. "Just remember when we fall back, come back!" What good advice, Jan.


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