Through the summer night and day
Spider spins her life away,
Weaving gossamer entrapments
For her unsuspecting prey.
Threads from clothes upon the line,
Between my beans upon the vine
And when I go through my front door,
I break more threads ticklish and fine.
Until one frosty day in fall
From tiny shrubs to pine tree tall
Each lacy trap in white is sketched.
The frost has come, exposing all!
© 2002 by V. Nesdoly
This poem came true again a few days ago - only it wasn't frost that exposed the spider webs this time, but dew. Luckily I was there with camera in hand to record the event.Other kinds of hidden things are also revealed when conditions are right. Yesterday was the memorial service of my good friend and neighbor of 24 years. During an open mic session, a young woman came to the podium and began, "I was Pam's cashier at Costco..." She went on to say that on their weekly trip to Costco, my friend and her husband always chose to come to her cash register no matter how long the line. She told how much she appreciated their friendship and especially their kindness in the middle of what could be a thankless day.
That little memory made me wonder, could anyone tell a story like that about me at my funeral? What about you? Let's weave webs of kindness, thoughtfulness and other good stuff into our lives, so that on the day that all is exposed, the revelations will be good!

Blog: promptings
Poetry portfolio: Violet Nesdoly / poems
Daily devotions for kids: Bible Drive-Thru
Twitter: @vnesdoly
Shivers. How lovely to hear that about your friend, Violet. We never know how much we touch a soul, do we? Yes, you are right. We should wonder if someone can say such things at our funeral. Even better - could they say it to our face today? Give me the flowers before I die, please!
ReplyDeleteI love, that photograph, Violet. Exquisite. Enter in the local fair! Are they leaves in the web? x
Thank you for sharing your lovely flowing poetry. It never disapopints and is always meaningful, as are your words following the poem. Poignant!
Thanks so much, Glynis and fudge4ever (good grief P., even typing your pename makes my mouth water!)