Abby likes violets. Somehow she knows they are in bloom. Whenever I enter the bedroom she waits below the stand by the window where I keep the plants. She waits expectantly in the hopes that I will gives her a flower to eat.
Both cats know how to wait. They know how to make their wishes known. At daybreak, Abby sits by my head, meowing gently. She's waiting for her teaspoon of milk. Both Abby and Lou Lou Belle "park," sprawled in the doorway to the kitchen or right where they know I have to walk while they wait for their dishes of wet cat food—a cat's "breakfast of champions."
Every new bag of dry food that comes into the apartment has to be taste-tested. They hang around, underfoot, until I open the bag and give them a few nibbles. This same exercise is repeated at night. They know when it is time for bed, and that last little treat of the evening, the cats' version of breath mints.
Lou Lou waits patiently just outside the shower. She has a "thing" for the water that gets caught in the cracks between the sliding doors as I shower.
I admire their patience as they wait. They know me well enough to understand that I will not fail to meet their expectations. They simply have to persist in waiting. They have to "be there."
I am reminded of Jesus' admonition in his parable about the persistent widow in Luke 18. She insisted, even in her dealing with a judge who had no regard for God or for her. Eventually the man broke down and gave her what she asked. Jesus says: "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly" —Luke 18:6, 7 NIV.
The next statement is the most telling. He has told his disciples to persist in prayer and wraps up his story with this: "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"
Abby and Lou have faith that I will respond to their expectant waiting. Can I demonstrate any less faith in my loving, Heavenly Father? Will he find me waiting expectantly?
Will we wait in faith and expectation? Thanks for this reminder, Lynda. It takes me back to the worship song based on Isaiah's "They that wait upon the Lord"... "teach us Lord, to wait." May He develop in us a spirit of trusting expectation.
ReplyDeleteExpectantly waiting--used to sound contradictory to me, but boy do I strive for it now.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
I laugh at my memory of cats... they always seem too bent of being "dignified" to ever show impatience.
ReplyDeleteYour post is so good -- reminds me that I need to be more bent on being like Jesus instead of so often being impatient!
I like the way you describe your cats. But I think it's you that's patient! This is a good reminder to wait on the Lord.
If we can learn what patience really is and how it applies to our lives, how much less stressed we become. I've learned that over the past year. Jesus turns stress around and we find peace. Thanks for the lesson, Lynda. Good thoughts. And...I didn't know cats ate violet flowers. :)
ReplyDeleteOhhhhh, I loved your story, Lynda! I'm particularly partial to kitty cats, so your account of your two made me feel purr-fectly happy!
ReplyDeleteHave to admit, my own kitties have taught me some amazing lessons too! They are very smart, yes?
Thanks so much for sharing.