March 09, 2009

What Makes A Christian? - Jan Keats

Sometimes it seems that the world and Christianity go hand in hand. Or does Christianity display the morals of Christian living? What’s peculiar is that many people have differing answers. Let us explore different opinions and then discover what Jesus has to say.

Read Colossians 3: 1-14

What makes a Christian?

Is it going to church on Sunday?
Is it reading your Bible everyday?
Is it praying at a certain hour?
Is it paying your church every week?
Is it living a moral life?
Is it taking your kids to Sunday School?
Is it being kind to your neighbours?
Is it a person who claims to live right?
Is it those who obey the Ten Commandments?
Is it inviting someone to church?
Is it giving to the needy?
Is it a person who eat the right foods?
Is it an honest person?
Is it a person who does not feel the need to attend church make a Christian?
Is it a person who has an immaculate home?
Is it a person who obeys their parents?
Is it a person who offers thanksgiving to God for their meals?
Is it a person who kneels in prayer?
Is it a person who prays aloud?
Is it viewing Christian programming on television?
Is it resting on Sundays?
Is it attending Bible study?
Is it holding a straight attendance record at church or a church group?
Is it reading an inspirational book once a month?
Is it owning a Bible?
Is it a sober person?
Is it when a person quits smoking?

While most of these are essential, let’s dig into the Scriptures:

Colossians chapter three tells us that we must die to self and set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. We must put to death whatever belongs to our earthly nature and evil desires. Before the new life began, we indulged in earthly pleasures, pleasures that are not pleasing to God. We are told that if we look to God and live to the best of our ability to be like Jesus, we will also appear with Him in glory. It is out of earthly pleasures that the wrath of God is coming. To be a Christian, or to be like Christ we must rid ourselves of all evil ways and desires that we once had. Jesus is willing to make our vessels clean. He offers a new life. Christians are given a new life. When a person dies to self and lives for Christ, he can take off the old robe and put on the new.

When a person puts on the robe of Jesus, he is wearing something that will never decay. Jesus’ robe is eternal. There is no need to trade it or hand it down. He is bought and paid for and He is all we need. Christ is all and is in all.” (Colossians 3:11). To be a Christian God tells us to clothe ourselves with the fruits of the spirit, to live a Holy life and forgive one another. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them together in perfect unity!

Jan Keats

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