March 18, 2009

The Voice of Truth - by Janet Sketchley

Gentle instrumental music and soft lighting drew me into the massage therapy room, and I felt my muscles loosen slightly just because of the atmosphere. A book on a side table drew my eye: Listening.

Soothing title. I walked closer and read the subtitle: “How to increase your awareness of your inner guide.”

Suddenly I didn’t feel so relaxed. I climbed onto the massage table with the sense of being in dangerous territory, and began to pray.

Lord, thank You that I dwell in the shelter of the Most High, and the Spirit of the Most High dwells in me. I’m safe in Your presence.

The Spirit of the Most High dwells in me.... I guess in the language of generic spirituality, that means the Holy Spirit is my “inner guide.” And yes, I do need to learn how to hear Him better.

We have lots of voices that try to direct us, and most are anything but helpful. Selfish desires are bad enough, but we’ve let even worse things in. As the Lord has been teaching me to listen to Him, He’s been evicting the lies I’ve accepted, the fears that have grown bold and vocal.

Father, please continue to silence the voices that would lead us astray. Tune your children’s ears to hear Your still, small voice. You see the souls reaching out for some kind of spiritual contact, looking everywhere but at You, and You love them. In Your grace and mercy, please help them recognize who You are. Give them faith to believe in You.

© Janet Sketchley, 2009
For devotionals, reviews and conversation, stop by Janet Sketchley's blog, God with Us: Finding Joy.


  1. Joanna, I enjoyed your posting!

    I always love how He confirms that what He's been saying to my heart is also being heard by others. It always make makes me feel connected, and it encourages me to know that, yes, as one of His sheep, I do hear His Voice. We do!

  2. How important it is to be deeply connected to God through His Word and His Spirit. There are so many "voices" out there, and they are seductive ones at that.

    Important message.

  3. He promised "My sheep will know My voice" and we need to be careful to listen. It's great to know we're not left alone to find our own ways.

  4. Hi Joanna,
    There is always something rich and good to be learned from your pen. Your walk with the Father must blow His socks off - not that I'm saying He actually wears socks!
    Thanks for your investment in your writing.
    - Sheila


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