August 18, 2008

God's Faithfulness

What a delight it was to attend our friend’s 65th wedding anniversary. The celebration not only honored them but also the faithfulness of our God.
The bible verse chosen for the occasion was Isaiah 32:17, “The work of righteousness will be peace, And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.” This fine couple definitely exemplify a Christian being clothed in Christ’s righteousness. They have been a real blessing in our congregation and to those they come in contact with. Their children rise up and call them blessed.
Even though they lived through the war and the depression and had their share of trials and pain, they kept the faith.
Their son shared that throughout his childhood he never heard his parents argue; there was always peace in the home. I am afraid that will never be said of me. I like to state my mind even if it is in disagreement. But, perhaps when I’ve matured another 20 years, I will become more graceful.
Ken and Mary’s love for our Lord and their faithfulness in serving Him has and continues to be an inspiration to me. GM

1 comment:

  1. 65 years - wow! What a testimony to the grace of God too.

    Just a tip for you and the others who post here... double space your paragraphs. It makes for easier reading.


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