August 15, 2007

Busy Times - Donna Dawson

If it weren't for divine intervention I think I'd be pretty buggy by now. While I'm trying to keep up with monthly columns for three different papers, finish the book that a LARGE publishing company is showing interest in, sending off a children's book manuscript and keeping up with the necessary (and beneficial for venting) blogs and websites, I'm also working on the wedding of my middle daughter:)

Her dress is lovely (I made it so I'm a bit partial to it). She and her sisters will be beautiful (what am I saying--they ARE beautiful). The food is ordered, the bouquets made (yes we made them), the boutonnieres and corsages done (which reminds me--I MUST remember to put pins in them), the programs designed (yes I did that too) and the light strands hung in the backyard (it's at our house). I have a houseful of guests arriving this week (all family) and I think I have pretty much everything ready for the big day.

I am so thankful to God for being enough. Enough strength to finish the tasks, enough sanity to keep me from overloading, enough patience when things didn't go like I'd have liked, enough sleep in the times where I wanted to remain awake and get just one more thing done and enough love through a husband who is so kind and thoughtful when I'm grouchy and petty.

So now, I sit back and wait to see what that day will bring and I'm grateful for the grace I have received in this time. Blessings all and I'll keep you posted.


  1. I can so relate, Donna. Our daughter was married in July. Now we're moving, I think - will know tomorrow. God's grace is always sufficient. :)Marcia

  2. Hi Donna,
    You leave me breathless. Well almost! Your energy is boundless.

    May the Lord keep you strong, well and able in all your activities.



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