September 28, 2007

Abandoned Words - Elsie Montgomery

While cleaning up my hard drive, I found this reflection on the state of my journals. The entries seemed so random, so scattered, and although I said "will anyone care..." at that time I was wondering if even I did.

Abandoned Words

This journal
tantrums and reverses
there, here
in that book or this
Will anyone
care or puzzle
or merely glance,
then flip it
for more civilized fare?

© 2006, Elsie Montgomery


  1. I must confess I've had the same thoughts about my journals and some of the other things I've written. So WHY do I continue to hang onto them?!

  2. You just never know — one of those bits might turn into an idea for the best book ever.

    Oh, can I join your group blog?

    Because I live in Latin America. I am fascinated that your blog "thingys" are in Spanish. Makes me feel right at home.

    Lynda Schultz

  3. Oh Elsie,

    You wrote the way I think pretty much 90% of the time. What a scary thought yes?:) I loved reading this for that reason.


  4. Elsie,

    How I relate! I have many journals, full of thoughts and captured moments. I want to go back and develop them into a readable article or devotional. But will I?


  5. Hi LC
    At least you have your scattered thoughts in a journal! Mine are on sticky notes all around the house!
    And I liked your thoughts, by the way. It's a universal conundrum, eh?


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