There is a woman who walks beaches and forest trails in search of heart-shaped rocks. Not large rocks, just ones the right size to tuck in her plant pots or heap in a clay bowl on her table. Some are smoothed by the sea and sand, some chipped off a craggy cliff, but they all have the familiar shape of two rounded wings and a downward-pointing tip.
The woman who collects them has a passionate heart, a fiercely loyal and loving heart. It is also a fragile heart, wounded early in childhood then mended by the love of Jesus, yet still bearing scars that go deep. These scars resonate with the scars of other hearts, giving her the ability to connect with those who are hurting on a level most cannot. Because she lives and speaks from her heart, it is vulnerable and sometimes wounded. If not for the love of Jesus holding her heart in His nail-pierced hands, it could easily be broken beyond repair.
Perhaps she collects heart-shaped rocks because she has encountered so many human ones in various shapes, sizes and conditions. They may be a reminder of her own heart which has gone through multiple transitions, yet remains undivided. Like the psalmist, she often prays to the keeper of her heart, “Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere Your name.” (Ps. 86:11 NRSV)
That is the secret˗˗maintaining an undivided heart, not allowing it to be diverted from loving and obeying God. There are so many distractions and temptations that can splinter a heart, weakening its devotion to the One who made it. He tells us in His Word, “above all else, watch over your heart; diligently guard it because from a sincere and pure heart come the good and noble things of life.” (Prov. 4:23 The Voice)
The apostle Paul, whose heart underwent rigorous refining at the hand of God, spoke from his own experience in writing to the Thessalonian believers about keeping their hearts undivided.
~ He wrote of not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. (1 Thess. 2:4 NIV)
~ His desire was for God to strengthen their hearts so that they would be blameless and holy in the presence of their God and Father. (1 Thess. 3:13)
~ His prayer was that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who gave eternal encouragement and good hope, would encourage their hearts. (2 Thess. 2:16)
~ He prayed confidently that the Lord would direct their hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. (2 Thess. 3:17)
The woman who collects heart-shaped rocks is learning Paul’s secret of how to keep her heart undivided. She puts it in the keeping of God. He is the One who tests, strengthens, encourages and directs her heart. Each time she picks up a heart-shaped rock, brushes off the dirt and warms it in her palm, she remembers Who keeps her heart whole and she commits it again to God.
Dedicated to my firstborn child, collector of heart-shaped rocks and soother of many broken ones. She's a singer/songwriter, so here's a link to an at-home recording you might enjoy.
Valerie Ronald writes from an old roll top desk in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, with her tortoiseshell cat for a muse. A graduate of Langara College School of Journalism, she writes devotionals, fiction and inspirational prose. Her purpose in writing is to encourage others to grow in their spiritual walk.
Thank you, Valerie, for this moving story of the woman--your daughter--who is an avid searcher and collector of heart shaped rocks. What a lovely tactile reminder of her deep desire to keep an undivided heart focused on Him. As always, your writing is beautiful and inspiring.
ReplyDeleteValerie this is a post overflowing with love, compassion and understanding. It touched me deeply. Your daughter’s song is full of the same elements - a very talented lady in her own right. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Valerie, for this story of your daughter who collects heart-shaped rocks and whose heart is guarded and kept by our Lord. A lovely post.
ReplyDeleteValerie, it sounds like your beloved daughter is indeed a woman after God's own heart. If she weaves words together like her mother she is also an artist of heartbeat words. This post is another fantastic proof of the skill on InScribe writers. Blessings to you, dear friend.