March 21, 2023

Calling NOT Comparison - by Tracy Krauss

COMPARISON - Don't play that game!

We've all fallen into the trap of comparing ourselves to other writers and usually, it only leads to discontent, discouragement, or even despair. (Too many D words for a post about C!)

So-and-so has more reviews... So-and-so has a larger email list... So-and-so has written more books.....has more followers, is more outgoing, knows more about marketing, writes faster, writes better, (INSERT whatever comparison makes you feel bad about yourself and your writing.)

Conversely, we must also be careful not to become puffed up. The comparison game is also very good at doing that. Just reverse the above comments and add a self-satisfied smirk... I have more reviews, more books in print, more followers... etc. Does that sound like a person God is going to bless?

I firmly believe that God has called me to write. (In fact, CALLING was my next "C' choice) I'm sure many of you feel the same. However, God has also impressed upon me that comparing myself to other writers is a dangerous pastime. Of course, we must learn from one another. That's not what I'm talking about. 

My writing journey has been different than yours. I've had to own my genre and subject matter which doesn't always fit neatly into the traditional Christian marketplace. I've come to terms with the fact that I may never be able to make a living through my writing. I will likely never have a huge following. But if I can touch one life, that is all God has called me to do. 

STOP comparing yourself to others.

START leaning into your CALL.

Tracy Krauss writes from her home in Tumbler Ridge, BC. For more, visit her website at:


  1. Amen, dear Tracy, that touching lives is what this inspirational writing life is all about.
    Comparing my situation with someone elses always brings me into the "D" zone. But when I pray that God's will is done in my writing life, I feel abiding peace.
    Blessings as you continue to bless your readers.

    1. Yes, the D zone! We want to stay clear of that!

  2. Elizabeth Danna7:47 am GMT-7

    Thanks Tracy. The comparison trap is one I fall that into all too easily, and it always traps me in those "D" words. They are devices (sorry, another "D" word) that the enemy uses to keep us from carrying out God's call on our lives..

    1. It is a huge issue with writers (and probably everyone) which I see over and over. It takes determination NOT to go there... It's a choice. (Another good C word!)

  3. Hi Tracy! I love you embrace your calling as a writer. Your insights into one's calling and the unhealthy comparison trap gives us all great counsel to heed. Our writing journeys may indeed be different. This fact helps all of us determine how we might make our way into the world with the unique way God has us called us as writers.

    1. I've found comparing myself to others always ends in unhealthy ways. The balance is learning to celebrate the successes of other authors without comparing them to my own journey. It's not always easy... I enjoy how you seem to lean into your own voice, too. Blessings.

  4. Good day, Tracy! Comparing certainly can be detrimental. Sometimes when I find myself swirling into that eddy I try to change my mindset and ask myself what I can glean and learn from their success. And sometimes I just head down the drain. Thanks for your insight. A very good reminder.

  5. Hello Tracy! It's easy to compare ourselves unfavourably with other writers. That usually leads to envy and nothing good. Changing the track in my brain takes effort, but is so important.
    I love that you embrace your calling!

    1. thank you and you are spot on - the result is usually envy and "nothing good"!

  6. Nancy Young9:13 am GMT-7

    Thank you, Tracy. God reminded me of why I write, just the other day. A dear friend of mine emailed me to say she had just finished reading my latest book and how the verses from the book of James reminded her of the need to put action to her faith. That really touched me, knowing that God had used those words to inspire her to action. It truly is a calling, not just a career.

    1. Isn't it wonderful when we get these confirmations? Blessings!

  7. What a wonderful reminder to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and His calling for us, rather than giving sideways glances to how we're doing in comparison to others.

  8. "If I can touch one life, that is all God has called me to do." Great perspective, Tracy.


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