March 02, 2023

C is for Chaos ~ Brenda J Wood

Have you been coerced into chaos by those around you? Yes, we did survive the Christmas rat race, but just barely. First, it was Uncle Fred who insulted our food, our children and our turkey.

Aunt Maud sulked because we didn’t clean her house as well as our own. Betty didn’t like her gift and hubby forgot to get one for us. We got a rejection slip, and missed a deadline and we have bills to pay.

Let’s restart our life today.

Anybody can make money but only a few will make a difference. We are the difference makers. How? We write about the chaos. Words out of us and onto pages, free us from the angst of yesterday. We live above disappointment by cleaning our minds of the chaos and clutter that live there.

Do you clear out or hold on to what was? Friend, get it gone. We can’t write good stuff if the bad stuff holds us hostage. Writing comes from our hearts and runs onto the page. What lingers in your heart? 

Writing is a journey of self-discovery. I’ve learned more by writing than any of my readers ever did. 

Let’s dream big, even though we have to start small. Publish yourself if necessary. That’s what a blog is for. You will get criticism, which is another type of chaos. Learn from it, practice wise answers and say them. Get comfort by dropping your printed pages in front of those imposing relatives.  Be sure to add the publishing addresses, even if they are only yours. Don’t be afraid to tackle new things. Quite frankly, that’s why I am writing twelve new pieces for this blog.

What about you? 2023 is spotless before us. Use it well.

Brenda J Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Dear Brenda, I admire your can do attitude. You inspire me. And the following words of yours especially spoke encouragement to me:
    "Anybody can make money but only a few will make a difference.
    I’ve learned more by writing than any of my readers ever did."
    Thank you & blessings.

  2. I love this pep talk, Brenda!

  3. You have so many nuggets in this post, Brenda. My favourite ones are: "Writing is a journey of self-discovery." "Let’s dream big, even though we have to start small."

  4. Great post, Brenda! Love your ‘down to earth, no nonsense message.

  5. I am braced by your no-nonsense pep talk, Brenda. I really liked this line: We are the difference makers. Oh yes. Thank you!

  6. I agree with Sandi: so many nuggets. This one stood out to me: "Writing comes from our hearts and runs onto the page. What lingers in your heart?" Ouch. Right now I'd say the bad stuff is holding me hostage. Time to call in the SWAT team (in this case, those are the Spiritual Weapons and Tactics of surrender, repentance, the Word, and prayer!). Thanks, Brenda!

  7. "Writing is a journey of self-discovery. I’ve learned more by writing than any of my readers ever did." Sounds like we are having the same experiences, Brenda.


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