April 22, 2022

Trusting the Holy Spirit - Lorrie Orr


It's the morning (late) of the 22nd - the day I am scheduled to post here. I've been thinking and thinking about what to write, given the topic of the Holy Spirit, and had decided to simply skip this month. However...here I am. 

With a degree in Religious Education under my belt, and a lifetime of enjoying God's presence, I know the theology behind the Trinity and certainly, I believe it. I sing the Doxology, often in the car in the morning, praising Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It's so much better than listening to the radio.

However, in my everyday spiritual life I don't differentiate much between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. After all, he is God's Spirit within me, and that's the amazing thing. God chooses to live in me, an ordinary aging woman living an ordinary life. He chooses to teach me, guide me, comfort me, and be with me, all via his Spirit. 

So, if that's the case, then ideally, all that I do is motivated by God's Holy Spirit. I know that I fail frequently, and do things that do not please God, but I also know that it's the gentle, or not so gentle whisper of his Spirit that touches my heart and lets me know when I need to make things right. 

So I don't worry or think too much about what to do or what to write. I trust the God's Spirit within me to lead me to action. When there are big decisions to make, I pray and then make the decision that seems right. Holy nudges every day. I feel that my role is to be available and open to guidance. I think that sometimes we compartmentalize life too much in our western culture. And sometimes, we try too hard rather than lean into God's "unforced rhythms of grace." (from the Message)

I'm curious to know what you all think about this. 

Lorrie Orr writes from Vancouver Island where she enjoys boating and hiking with her husband. Gardening, reading, sewing, and spending time with her five grandchildren fill her days when she isn't teaching Spanish at a local high school. She also writes a "slice of life" blog at www.fabricpaperthread.blogspot.com


  1. The quote is powerful! "...sometimes we compartmentalize life too much in our western culture. And sometimes, we try too hard rather than lean into God's 'unforced rhythms of grace'." Amen to that.

  2. Well put, Lorrie. Love this line especially: "...sometimes, we try too hard rather than lean into God's 'unforced rhythms of grace.'" Yes, indeed.

  3. Thank you, dear Lorrie, for showing up to share these meaningful words of yours. I especially enjoyed your mention of the Doxology as it's something my children and I sang every morning during our homeschool days: I paused while reading your post to sing it aloud. (I'm home alone, so, no ears were harmed in the process.)

    I vote yes to resting in God's "unforced rhythms of grace" while also striving to draw nigh to Him. Faith is a gift and a call to trust in the Faithful One. Our faith--like our bodies--benefits from exercise.

    Blessings on your weekend ~ Wendy Mac

  4. Thank you, Lorrie, for sharing. Thanks for reminding me to rest in God's "unforced rhythms of grace", and to see "my role...to be available and open to guidance."

  5. Love this, Lorrie. Thanks for helping us to remember it is all about trust and surrender. My favourite line is Holy nudges every day.

  6. We sure do need to keep our ears open. I tend to get distracted too often.


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