December 10, 2018

Oh, That My Words Were Written by Sharon Espeseth

Benjamin Smith with Unsplash
"Oh, that my words were now written! Oh, that they were printed in a book. (Job  19:23 Jubilee Bible 2000) This is Job speaking. Satan has convinced God to let him have his way with Job--short of ending his life. Ravaged by calamity and the feebleness of old age, Job sits with his friends who commiserate with him and are ready to blame Job or God for Job's horrendous situation.

Job wishes he could write a book to tell the world what he knows: "For I know that my redeemer lives, And at the last He will take his stand on the earth."

I begin today's post with Old Testament drama. Job may not have written a book, but he does have a book of the Bible named after him. Then, after this difficult stage of his life, he went back to living a fruitful and fulfilling life.  

Now for today!

Free Image of Advent Calendar
Advent is here. Christmas is coming. So is the end of the year!

Although many of us love the Christmas season, December blows in with its own angst. As the twelfth month is about to blow right past us, we can't help but wonder what happened to the year of 2018 when we were going to move our writing projects much further along. At least I was. . .

With this blog, I offer you two gifts, which you can take, leave, or postpone.

Gift One: Review of The Pomodoro Method

Pomodoro Google Free Image
The Pomodoro Method, which I've written about before, is based on the book, The Pomodoro Technique by Francesco Cirillo, which I haven't read.

You don't need to read the book to get an understanding of this popular time management method. If you google "The Pomodoro Method," you will find several good sites that explain this--some with written explanation and diagrams; some with videos.

I suspect many of you are already familiar with this method, so I'm leaving the research or review up to you

What I do bring to your attention is that the Pomodoro system can also help you accomplish lists of tasks you have been procrastinating on--phone calls, cleaning, decorating tasks, personal notes on Christmas cards or letters, etc. If you're feeling bogged down with Christmas details, you could try them the Pomodoro way.

Gift Two: A List of Writing Prompts for the Season

Why would I give you a list of Christmas writing prompts in the middle of December when there are so many Christmas-related activities, make that duties, demanding your attention?


Because it's easier to write about Christmas in December than it is in July. You have the setting, the smells, sights, sounds, and emotions related to the season. Note to self: Not all emotions are upbeat.

Because you could use a break and a chance to do something just because you want to.

Because you will gain a sense of accomplishment.

Because you might find 25 minutes (Pomodoro style) to write a first draft.

Because you can take, leave, or postpone this writing until after the 25th or even until January when your memories are still simmering.

Behold the Prompts

• What if I can't--physically or metaphorically--go home for Christmas?
• The best Christmas I ever spent
• So this is Christmas
• The most important item on my Christmas to-do list
• The doctor told my friend he'd be around for another Christmas
• Getting the Christmas tree
• An unusual guest
• An unbelievable Christmas
• A troubling Christmas
• My first Christmas with the person I would marry
• Family traditions: What are they? How did they start? Why I love them, or not?
• My favourite Christmas carol
• An incident at work, school, or church during the Christmas season--something deeply affecting
• Something I need to write today
• A visitor from Christmas past, present, or future

Spiritual Possibilities
• How will I ready the way of the Lord?
• How can I exalt this valley that I'm in?
• How will I bring these mountains low or makes these crooked ways straight?
• What would I have done in Mary's circumstance? Joseph's, Mary's mother Anne's circumstance?
• How would I react to the angel's message about fleeing into Egypt?
• Describe the Magi's journey.

Hoping and praying for a wonderful Christmas season to you, my fellow/sister writers. May you and your family be blessed and may you end the writing year of 2018 on a positive note. Amen


  1. I confess that I'd never heard of Pomodora technique before, but I promptly looked it up. Brilliant! I do something similar using longer stints of time, but i like this a lot. the 25 minutes plus break fit into a nice half hour time slot. :) Thanks for this. I also enjoyed the prompts and plan to use some. Blessings Sharon.

  2. Hi Sharon! Wow, this is a neat post! You cover a lot of ground in these words. I love the writing prompt idea. I agree it is easier to write about Christmas in December than in July. I've never heard of the Pomodoro system so willhave to look it up. Merry Christmas Sharon!

  3. Thanks for the Christmas gifts, Sharon. I was reading in the January 2019 issue of Writer's Digest that you only need 9 minutes a day to write a book in less than a year (I forget what the actual time period was) so with 25 minutes a day perhaps you could write three! I will use one of your writing prompts tonight when I meet with my critique partner. Very timely indeed. Merry Christmas!

  4. Thank you, Tracy, Alan and Susan for your enthusiastic response to my Christmas gifts to you. I thought I had mentioned the Pomodoro Method before, but maybe that was to our Women Word Weavers. That would explain why I couldn't find it in my previous blogs. You are welcome and thank you for your Christmas greetings as well.

  5. I do like your Christmas gifts. Thank you!

    I'm a believer in the tomato method (as I call it) -- it works for me when I'm having trouble sitting down and getting started on something. And, I agree, it's much more fun to write Christmas themes in December than in July.

    Merry Christmas, Sharon!

  6. Thanks, Brenda. Then I'm not the only Pomodoro or Tomato Method Fan. I don't use the method all the time either, but I agree that it is great when one is having trouble sitting down to write a particular item. I am in that unfortunate mode right now, so later today I will plan to pray and do the Pomodoro. Merry Christmas to you too.

  7. Susan, I love your info about 9 minutes a day. . . Imagine that! And 25 minutes is just two minutes short of three times that amount of time. Let's go, People.

  8. You are right when you say "Although many of us love the Christmas season, December blows in with its own angst." So true. I had not hear of the Pomodoro method, but checked it out and I plan to use it for a few festive tasks that need doing as well as some sessions for writing. It seems I need to find new ways of doing things, it helps keep things moving. Thank-you for this helpful, bright & cheery post!

  9. Being somewhat of a traditionalist, I too would like to hang onto the way we used to do things. I am, however, discovering that keeping things the way they were doesn't always work. Sometimes, as hard as it seems to "let the old ways go," we may be better off by doing so sooner, rather than later. Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher born in the 6th century said, "No woman ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and (she's) not the same

    With a note to my male friends and readers: I did a gender switch on Heraclitus, because I'm responding to Jocelyn, but, my dear men friends, you can switch it to your gender, which is what we gals have been doing most of our lives. Wink. Wink.


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