June 22, 2017

Dear Journal, Thank You For Listening! Alan Anderson

I’m not going to pretend to give the impression I journal daily. I do, however, see tremendous value in writing in a journal. I don’t habitually share my journaling with anyone else. Oops, that sounds a bit selfish! (insert smile here)

Through journaling I prepare myself for life or reflect on my life thus far. It offers me an opportunity to ask myself how I am doing in life. Allow me to give you a peek into my life through journaling. Please be patient with me as I bear my soul a bit to you.

My journal is a safe place for me. It is where I tell myself how at times I want to scream at the craziness of the world. I feel like this when I read newspaper headlines of the most recent terrorist attack somewhere in the world. I scream out of fear, frustration and the folly of people.

My heart cries when I hear of children who have been murdered. Even now tears come to my eyes as I reflect on a recent interchange of a grieving grandfather who chatted with me. There are other grandparents who have confided in me with similar stories. I keep all such stories in my head or in my journal. How my heart aches for these dear people. How my heart aches for these beautiful children.

My journal is a “friend,” so to speak. I have a loving wife and family but I must say I don’t have many close friends. I talk to my journal the way I hope I could talk to a close friend, someone more ready to listen than judge. It would be nice to have a friend or friends I could call or meet anytime.  We would be content in knowing we can share our thoughts with each other.

My journal is a “counselor” who I know listens to me. It is here I can pour out my thoughts and emotions. I have listened to a lot of sad stories of experiences people have suffered in their lives. Some things so horrible I haven’t even told my wife. I have also heard of how people have endured in spite of their suffering. Through journaling I process what I have listened to.

 My journal is a cheerleader, who gives me cause to smile and say, life can be sweet! I love life! In spite of my screams and few times of rage at the world, I love life. For the most part, I love people. I love too that God has blessed me in my life and continues to do so. I don’t say this just to put a positive spin on things. I say this because it is true.

I need a cheerleader now and then. How about you? I also like to cheer for other people. As I say to those who are hurting because of a sad experience in life, we are in this together!

My dear writer family, we are in this life together. How can we show our love one for the other? We can cheer each other on in our journeys through life. We may even be close enough geographically that we can be there to listen.

Father in heaven, you have called us to be writers. Help us to see the beauty of each other’s words. Help us to be real with ourselves as we journal. Help us to cheer each other on and to realize we are in this together! Amen!

Blog: ScarredJoy@wordpress.com


  1. Over the past year since you have been part of the 'team', I am really beginning to recognize your unique writerly voice, Alan, and I must say, i always look forward to yoru posts. You are always so encouraging and giving, even when you talk about thing s that are not so perfect. keep up the good work! You are a valued member of inscribe!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Tracy! It is very humbling for someone of your talent to encourage me in such a way. I try to be real and transparent in my posts. Perhaps I've learned to be like this from my own life experiences. I have also listened carefully to the people I call "my teachers" over the years. I appreciate being a member of InScribe so much. I try to encourage people as much as I can. Thank you for recognizing my "voice" my friend! I hope and pray that your are regaining your health and strength since your heart attack.

  2. I love reading your posts! You always seem to write about things that resonate with me and again in this post - "my journal is a safe place for me." I get that! It is exactly how I feel about my journal. My husband and I retired to a little hamlet right on Lake Erie. The view is amazing! Do you know where Nanticoke, Ontario is?? If we did live close to one another, I feel as if we would become fast friends! Thanks for sharing your heart.

    1. Hi Vickie! Yes, if you are anything like me you appreciate the safe places in our lives. I don't know Nanticoke but it really sounds amazing. I live in a little farm community with mountains all around in BC, called Deroche. We can still be friends! :)

    2. Yes! A long distance friendship. I don't know Deroche either but will ask the "Google Master" to tell me about it. I do appreciate the safe places in life. I had to create my own safe place because there aren't very many.

    3. Vickie my email is caledomiaspirit@gmail.com. You can "talk" to me that way if you like.
      I also have a blog, scarredjoy.wordpress.com. I hope yo have my website up soon.
      I look forward to us being close friends! :)

  3. "We are in this together." You are so right about that. I think that even when we don't share with each other as writers, many of us scream in frustration and fear at the pain in this world. I appreciate your honesty in this because I often feel the same way, and yet I love life too. It is good for the most part. God is faithful.
    Pam M.

    1. Hi Pam! Yes, God is faithful! I sometimes wonder what He thinks of the craziness and pain people cause for others. Writing can bring out our true spirit of compassion for the world. We can be transparent and vulnerable as our words express our hearts. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me in my writing.

  4. "We are in this together". So, so true. As my sister-in-law would say, "we breathe the same air". It is only when I'm with my writer friends that I feel most validated and encouraged in my writing. We need each other!

    1. Hi Joylene! We really do need each other, right? We indeed breathe the same air. We are like a band of brothers and sisters called to write into a world in need of our words. Keep writing Joylene! I look forward to how your words will impact the world!

  5. I love how you describe your journal as a friend, counsellor & cheerleader. You have a way of bringing things down to the simple, everyday view of it and a very encouraging spirit. I hope your retirement will give you even more time spent with your journal and in turn lead to many, many writing opportunities. I relate so well with all that you write.

    1. Hi Gloria! Yes, once I retire I plan on more writing. I resonate so much with your writing as well. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me my friend!

  6. We have a daughter and a niece who are in the business of listening to the heartaches of others. Compassion, love and empathy, I believe, are requirements for this work. My heart goes out to you in regard to what you "take in" emotionally on any given day. I am happy to know that you find solace and a good listening ear in your journal, Alan, and also in your faith in God. May God continue to bless you in your life, your work, and your writing.

    1. Hi Sharon! God has made it clear to me that a change is coming for me. This means retirement from my work in healthcare. It does not mean retirement from people or my writing. There are so many stories of "my teachers" I would like to share. Thank you so much for your encouraging words my friend!

  7. Your soul is so connected to the heart of those to whom you minister, Alan. And if I can be so bold to add another 'My journal is ..." I might say 'My Journal is My Teacher'. And guess where I learned that? As I pore over my journals once again, I look at the lessons I learned; that God taught me; that crept knowingly, lovingly into my life. I seriously brag about you at every opportunity regarding how you see others as 'your teachers'. Great, reflective post, Alan!

    1. I believe we are connected too Glynis! Thank you for seeing your journal as your "Teacher." I don't know how I missed that one. Isn't it amazing how much we are alike? I tell people about you and Angel Hope Publishing. I'm always amazed at how words get together and help me write. So happy we got to meet in May. Take care Glynis! Hugs to you dear friend! :)


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