October 22, 2016

Inscribe Writer’s Conference 2017 By Alan Anderson

This is a dream!  I can see it now.  InScribe’s 2017 Fall Conference would be just beginning.  It’s my first writers’ conference.  Having fairly good self-awareness I’m somewhat nervous.  Although I may have interacted with writers I admire on Facebook I have never met them in person.  I mutter to myself, “Oh boy, what am I going to say?”  What am I doing here?

Being here at our InScribe Conference reminds me when my wife and I stayed in a B & B in Barkerville in July 2016 for a couple of days.  Barkerville is a historic gold rush town in BC and is now a popular tourist attraction.  We met some wonderful people including Marnie and Wally Pohlmann.  Marnie is an InScribe member.  Once I discovered she was a writer and part of InScribe I got all excited.  I began talking to myself inside my head.  Terry, my wife, did it the other way.  She actually spoke to Marnie.  We had been chatting for a while about life in general.  We eventually shared our passion for writing with each other.  I wasn’t sure what to say.  I sensed myself getting quiet, in an introverted kind of way.  I was thinking, “I’m sitting here in Barkerville in a small hotel, drinking tea with another writer!”  I will never forget that evening.  I will never forget Marnie and Wally!  My introduction to a real writer.

I have the same sense of excitement here at the 2017 Conference.  Wow, I’m here!  I’m actually here!  Oh boy, what do I do?  Who do I introduce myself to?  I see familiar “Facebook” faces only they are not only faces, they are walking, talking, beautiful people!

Oh oh, I think someone just noticed me.  It’s Ruth L. Snyder, the President of InScribe, and she’s walking my way.  Maybe she sees someone behind me she wants to talk to.  Nope.  She is definitely looking at me.  Another lady has joined her.  I see its Tracy Krauss.  Tracy gave me the opportunity to blog for InScribe.  Oh man, my hands just got all sweaty.  I’ll just lean up against the wall and try to look cool.  Wouldn’t you know it?  Just as I begin to act cool I spill my coffee on my pants.  Here I am with two ladies I’m dying to meet heading my way and I have coffee stains on my pants.

Things are going well.  I’ve enjoyed talking with Ruth and Tracy.  I don’t think either of them noticed the coffee stain.  Maybe its because I held one of those really neat cloth napkins from the table and strategically covered the stain.  Ruth and Tracy have made me feel so welcome.  This is cool!

I notice as I look at my pants the stain is beginning to dry and it’s not as noticeable.  I feel happy about that.  I feel even happier when another InScribe friend approaches me.  I’ve wanted to meet Bobbi Junior for ages and now here she is smiling in front of me.  Her book When the Bough Breaks moved me.

I know that a writer’s Conference includes such wonderful things as workshops and book tables.  I look forward to learning and taking away some invaluable knowledge.  I’m here to learn and to grow as a writer.  First, I am looking forward to hanging out with some of my writing peeps.

This is all a dream.  I have to wait a year for it to come true!  Oh well, it will be worth the wait!  See you all next year!

Blog: ScarredJoy@wordpress.com


  1. Still laughing! I do hope you've managed to remove that stain before the actual 2017 conference, Alan! Can't wait to meet you in person, too!

    1. Hi Bobbi! I'll save like mad and buy anew pair of pants! :)

  2. Me, too, Bobbi. I think once you get to meet us you'll be far less impressed, Alan! This was so funny - and actually, quite true when I look back on my first experience at a conference. For me it was Marcia Laycock who was the president at the time. I'm so glad you connected with Marnie and Wally. They are dear friends and need our prayers because of health issues.

    1. Hi Tracy! I didn't know quite how to write this months blog. I just began writing and the words found me. Yes, it was such a special meeting with Marnie and Wally.

  3. Well done, Alan. I love your self-deprecating humour and your honesty. You're being as honest, at least, as your dreams will let you be. You either have very colourful dreams or a great imagination for all the things that could go wrong. I've heard that people who worry would make good novelists, because they can think up all the possibilities that could arise. I hope I can get close enough to you at FC 2017 to greet you and shake your hand. :-)

    1. Hi Sharon! Yes, my imagination kicked in big time and I went for it! I look forward to meeting you as well! :)

  4. Wow! Isn't wonderful to dream.... It's also exciting to meet other people who like to write. That common interest suddenly forges an immediate bond, really. I hope you do get to realize your dream next year. Meeting people in person would certainly make for better conversation. Keep on dreaming!

    1. Hi Vickie! I'm really looking forward to meeting you and other InScribe writers. In this all too impersonal culture we have created nothing can replace face to face meetings. Take care Vickie!

  5. Haha, this was so great! I was so nervous at my first conference, too, but I soon discovered that the other writers were ordinary people. I look forward to meeting you in person at Fall Conference 2017.
    Pam Mytroen

    1. Hello my friend! I think I will be more excited than nervous when I attend my first conference! I will definitely look forward to meeting you as well. Take care!

  6. Oh, Alan, this post made me laugh. Thank you! Do you realize how very nervous I was in Barkerville, to say I was a writer? And when Terry said you were too, and we figured out that we both belonged to Inscribe - I thought, "Ack! I just said I was a writer to a man who IS a writer! What was I thinking?" I'm so glad to have met you, and look forward to chatting again at a conference.

  7. Hi Marnie! It wasa great surprise meeting you and Wally! You are a writer for sure my friend. We will have to make sure we chat at a conference one of these days. You and Wally, as well as your family, are in our prayers. Keep on writing!


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