October 27, 2016

Get Involved!

"We are never really invested in our church if we only show up. Taking on a responsibility is how we truly join in and belong... There is a place for serving others, and we usually find that in serving we are also growing... We support our own writing by supporting other writers. Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship helps us do this. We can help with a local writing group. We can encourage others, perhaps through the Inscribe list-serve or the Inscribe blogs. We can become familiar with the workings of Inscribe and offer to help in some small (or large) way. Writing is probably not our only gift. Purposeful gathering begets personal growth because iron sharpens iron."
                                                       - Marnie Pohlmann

This is a direct quote from yesterday's post by Marnie Pohlmann. If you haven't read it yet, don't miss out! (You won't be sorry.) However, the above part was exactly what I wanted to say in today's post. The 27th of each month is set aside for promotional purposes, and today I wanted to encourage you to get involved!

There are so many ways to get 'plugged in' but I am often surprised when people don't seem to know about all the opportunities.

Writing Opportunities:
 -  Contributing to this blog is just one way you can connect with the Inscribe family and hone your skills as a writer at the same time. While we have a list of regular contributors, there are still spots available, and there are also guest posting opportunities. Email me or make a comment below.
-  Word challenges are great ways to write to a topic and get your words selected for publication. Glynis Belec does a fantastic job of moderating this vibrant and exciting opportunity. It's kind of like a free contest every month and is very interactive. Why not get involved?
- Speaking of contests, there are literally dozens of contest categories to choose from over the course of the year. The annual Winter Contest will be coming up in January. Check the website for details.
- Fellowscript magazine takes unsolicited articles and poetry. Check the writers' guidelines online or in the front of the magazine. You even get paid for your words!

Learning and Connecting Opportunities:
- Do you have a question? Post it on the listserv! This is a wonderful forum for asking questions (and getting answers) as well as making announcements and celebrating successes. Prefer facebook? No problem! We have a public Inscribe group as well as a page called 'Canadian Writers'. Join the conversation!
-  Inscribe helps various writers' groups across this great country. For a listing of groups near you check out the page on the website. Don't have a group near you? Start one! We'll help you get started.

Volunteer Opportunities:
As marnie so eloquently said in yesterday's post, taking on a volunteer position actually benefits you in ways you would never have imagined. We currently have several executive positions available including WEBMASTER, FELLOWSCRIPT LAYOUT, CONTEST COORDINATOR, and CONFERENCE COORDINATOR. Besides this there are many other ways you can help out: proofing the website, being a provincial rep, helping at conference, offering editing services for various projects... if you have a skill or would like to be involved, ask one of the executive. We are looking for people just like YOU!

Get involved in INSCRIBE. You'll be glad you did.


  1. Since this month's blog topic is about writing conferences and what we get out of them, readers will see many positive comments about InScribe's Fall Conference and other conferences people have attended. For anyone stopping by to read today's blog by Tracy Krauss promoting InScribe Christian Writer's Fellowship, I suggest you scroll back to read some of these blogs to get an idea of what InScribe membership could do for you.

  2. Anonymous5:45 am GMT-7

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  3. Thank you for sharing this great post. All those oportunities you offered are awesome.


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