April 02, 2016

A Pivotal Moment On My Writing Path by Marcia Lee Laycock

“I’ll pay your way if you’ll go with me,” my friend Linda said. 

I sighed but nodded. “Okay, if you really want me to go that badly.”

“I think God wants you to go that badly,” she said.

My husband was about to graduate from Bible college and our funds were limited so when Linda asked me to go to a seminar called Speak Up with Confidence, being done by Carol Kent, I was reluctant. I’ll never be a public speaker, I thought, and I had a lot of packing to do to get ready for our move to Alberta in a few weeks. But my friend really wanted to go and insisted God wanted me to go with her. In the end I gave in.

Carol Kent was engaging and as she spoke about speaking she gave a lot of good tips about writing. I don’t remember the exact moment when it happened but at some point during that seminar I realized that I could now write as a believer in Christ. 

I had always written, from the time I was very young, but I had never shown anyone any of my work, other than assignments I’d done for teachers in high school and university. Although I’d been praised for that work, I did not believe that it was of any value. Since becoming a believer I had put the writing on hold. The work I had been doing no longer interested me and I had thought that part of my life was gone forever. 

But I left that seminar with a clear path to a new and exciting call to ministry, through writing. 

It wasn’t long before we arrived in the town where my husband would take on his first church. When he met with the previous pastor he told my husband one of the many things he was now responsible for was a weekly column in the local newspaper. My husband was already quite overwhelmed with all that he had to do so he asked me if I could write something for the paper. 

I felt God swinging the door wide open and I was more than delighted to walk through it. That was the beginning of almost twenty years of writing my faith column, The Spur (taken from Hebrews 10:24). The column eventually morphed into a devotional book, The Spur of the Moment, which is now in third printing. I have been stunned at what God has done with that small effort, stunned at the responses of readers from all over the world as well as the streets of my own home town. 

Then the requests to speak started to come in and another branch of my ministry blossomed. Who knew? 

Obviously God did. And all because a friend obeyed His nudge and offered to pay my way to a seminar for which I thought I neither had the time nor the finances.
Marcia Lee Laycock writes from central Alberta Canada where she lives with her pastor/husband and two golden retrievers. She is a long-time member and past president of InScribe.

Marcia will deliver the keynote address at Spring WorDshop in Blackfalds Ab. on April 23rd. (click Events on the InScribe website)

Marcia has published two contemporary novels, four devotional books and numerous articles and devotionals both online and in print. Her work is available on Amazon


  1. Thank God for little nudges. They have a way of showing up when we least expect them and sometimes when we think we're not ready for them. Amazing things happen when we give in to them! God placed Carol Kent in your path and he so often does that for us. I love when he uses others to minister to me and I also love when uses me. Thanks for nudging me with this encouraging story of how God moves in our lives.

  2. Thank the Lord for those little nudges - even when given through a friend.

  3. We don't always know in the moment what He is doing, yet your story shows He has a plan. We just need to participate. Thanks for following the 'nudges!'

  4. So great you followed God's nudging Marcia. We just never know where He is taking us. You have a great story to share.

  5. Thanks for your comments Ladies! :)

  6. It's always a good plan to follow up on a God nudge, isn't it? It's good to reflect upon our humble beginning and see how God 'grew us'. I still have lots of growing to do, but it sure is fun (most days!) Good to see your great growth, too, my friend!

  7. Having known you as a writer and speaker, I cannot imagine you otherwise. God did have a plan for you, and he has blessed you because you listened and obeyed, Marcia. You are a great example for all of us. I love your story. Thanks.

  8. I'm glad your friend obeyed His nudge. You have so much to offer as a writer and a speaker. Thanks.


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