January 05, 2013

InScribers Review: Tadeo Turtle

Author: Janis Cox
Publisher: Word Alive Press
ISBN #: 978-1-77069-695-2
List price: $12.88 (amazon.ca)
No. of pages: 25

Reviewed by: Ruth L. Snyder

Tadeo Turtle, written and illustrated by Janis Cox, is a delightful children’s book, which includes a captivating story, beautiful illustrations, four craft activities using various media, and research suggestions. Children ages 2-8 will enjoy the book.

Tadeo is happy until he notices his friend, Sam Squirrel, can do things he can’t. He thinks all his problems will be solved if he can only get rid of his shell. However, with no shell, Tadeo discovers he is very vulnerable. Read the story to find out how Tadeo becomes thankful for the special way he is made.

My four-year-old daughter enjoyed the story and was enthralled by the pictures. I appreciated the rhyming text, the way Janis seamlessly teaches new vocabulary, and the variety of activities included.

Janis uses her past experience as an elementary teacher to craft a book that teaches many concepts in a fun way.  Children can learn lessons on self-esteem, turtles, and the defense systems of animals. A 24-page curriculum is also available.

For more information on Tadeo Turtle and Janis Cox, go to www.janiscox.com.


  1. fun! I have a children's book I am working on. I may have to pick Janis's brain...

  2. I love children's books....

    Ruth, thanks for the review.

    Jan, I'm so happy that you are just taking off in your new life and writing ventures!

    May it bless many (and your pocketbook too)!

  3. Thanks Tracy and Brenda,

    Taking off - yup, a different world for sure. Remembering so many different things - places to put reviews; people to connect with; writing blog posts; painting;

    Yikes - and time for my hubby and friends.

    Of course, I give God the best of my day - my morning time.

    Blessings on your writing

  4. Fine review, Ruth! I enjoyed the book, especially the illustrations. Sadly, right now I don't have a little one to read it to. But those days will come again.

  5. Thanks, Janet. I continue to remind myself to enjoy the "season" of life I'm in, because I know it will be gone all too quickly.


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