October 13, 2011

Writing Frustrations - T. L. Wiens

I was racing down the highway when I saw the familiar orange signs--construction ahead. Soon I was driving the mandatory 60 km/hr. The truck behind me was ready to swallow my bumper over it, too. I made my way past the highway workers who were working a good distance from the highway but the law is the law. Then I came to that wonderful sign-- end construction. I hit the gas and had just about gotten back to the speed limit when two women waving red signs had me hitting the brakes once again. I tried to determine the reason for these women with their red construction signs to be there. There just didn't seem to be one.

It reminds me of some of the "construction zones" I've hit with my writing. There are those times when you know you have to slow down and re-evaluate your manuscript. It could be a character issue or a plot issue--whatever. I can handle those. It's when I get vague comment that seems to have no purpose or relation to my script. What do I do with those?

I've had this happen a couple of times when I've approached a publisher or editor. Like on the highway, I slow down, try to figure it out and eventually get back to full speed. If anyone else out there can give me a better solution, I'm all ears.


  1. I'm not sure there is another way ... it just takes some time and distance

  2. Good allusion. Sometimes our manuscripts take major excavating that requires months of slow, messy work... other times, it's a minor repair that makes the document look better in a few days. Sometimes it helps to call in outside consultation... either way, it's good to slow down and take stock. :)


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