October 25, 2011

an end and a beginning - Dorothy Bentley

One of the most difficult things happened to me recently

My Saturday Today column was cut

I phoned and politely pressed the editor for reasons

I wrote for the newspaper for seven-and-a-half years

They wanted more political

More opinionated

I have opinions

But they don't want mine

Turns out they cut another Christian writer, too

Turns out they don't want Christian opinions

Maybe we're too political


I have to say

I think it was really the hand of God

Chopping down some of the trees in my woodlot

I couldn't see the important trees

With so many standing

Now it's becoming more clear

God doesn't want me to be so busy writing

That I leave Him out of it

I am loving having more time

To pray

To worship

To write the outpouring of my Holy Spirit filled heart

I began a new blog

And it's more real

More raw

More full of Jesus

And I'm lovin' it

I hope He loves it, too


  1. I love the simplicity of your post, Dorothy. It's simply beautiful.

    Bless you as you continue to write and to express the opinions God has laid on your heart.

  2. Anonymous6:27 pm GMT-7

    Thank you, Susan! I appreciate your encouragement. May God bless you richly for being so generous :)

  3. I agree with Susan -- very effective. Felt the impact and the emotion in the way you wrote.

    What I'm most excited about is learning how God is doing some clearcutting -- aka a pruning -- for those greater works and fruit yet to come!

    Wishing you the BEST in these days ahead!

  4. BTW, the link to your potscrubber blog didn't work for me.

  5. Dorothy, I'm sorry to hear about their decision to cut your column, I definitely can relate to that disappointment (I bet we all can). Thanks for giving us the upside of a "rejection" that turns into a blessing.


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