May 22, 2011

Waiting for Strength by Brenda Leyland

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ~ from Isaiah 40: 29 - 31

Some years ago, when I was worn and ill physically, I often came to this passage for comfort and hope. And, as I waited, the truth in these words became reality in my own life. I would start to feel less weary and more strengthened.

During that season I often spent time just being quiet and still. Not asking, not praying, not worrying... just resting... soaking in God's presence. As I would feel the peace settle over my mind and heart, somehow it seemed to seep down into every cell of my being, and I'd come away feeling rested and strengthened in my physical body too.

Personally, I don't know what I would have done if I not discovered that I could come to God and receive literal strength to help me through my days.

Today, I offer Him as a place of refuge for anyone who might need an oasis of rest in their own journey through this imperfect world.


  1. I do totally agree with you. What would come of us, it we don't have His assurance, strength and comfort? I don't even want to imagine it.

  2. I'll take you up on that offer. The Rock, the Refuge, the Resting place—isn't He beautiful?

  3. Oh Brenda! Not only are your words inspiring, but you've done it again - you've found the most beautiful picture to go with your writing!

  4. Thanks Brenda:
    Specially for us older folks--Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall!


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