March 24, 2011

The Perfect Companion — Lynda Schultz

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” —Proverbs 18:22, NIV.

Try pushing him away. He may put a little distance between you and him because of your choices, but he’s always within reach and never out of sight. A whisper will reach him in a jiffy, a sigh will bring him running. He winces when you call him names and accuse him of not caring, but he never stops caring. You can try to replace him, but an army wouldn’t fit in the hole he has made in your life. Anyone else would be uncomfortable in his place—it’s not “one size fits all.”

When it rains on your life, he’s there with the umbrella and the galoshes. When it’s cold, he has the warmest mittens and the fuzziest wool socks. On sunny days, he brings flowers and cool lemonade and walks with you on the trail through the woods. He’ll walk beside you if you let him; if you’re angry at him, he’ll walk behind you. He’s already walked ahead to check for rough spots in the path even if you didn’t appreciate it. When the leaves begin to change colour and there is a sharpness in the air, he directs your attention to the flock of geese heading south and the harvest moon rising in solemn splendor.

You can ignore him, but he never ignores you. When you wrap yourself in his warmth and delight in his companionship, music takes on a sliver sound, colour reflects a different hue, pets seems more precious, and the sharp edges of people seem softer somehow. The world changes as your friendship with him deepens.

His touch is better than a band-aid on the scratches that life leaves on our soul. His voice brings comfort and counsel in ways that defy the brightest and most prepared minds. His smile lights up your world.

Other friends are good, but no one does friendship better than Jesus.


  1. This is beautiful and so comforting. Thanks, Lynda.

  2. What a wonderful posting!

    Loved the sentence "You can try to replace him, but an army wouldn’t fit in the hole he has made in your life."

    A person notices how big the hole is when you're trying to fill it with other stuff..... it just doesn't work!

    He's got big shoes to fill and NO ONE else will do! Thank you, Jesus, for that!

  3. Anonymous5:11 pm GMT-7

    So true about the world being better when our relationship with the Lord is deeper.

  4. Lynda:
    You post reminds me of the words to an old hymn:
    Heaven above is softer blue,
    Earth around is sweeter green!
    Something lives in every hue,
    Christless eyes have never seen:
    Birds with gladder songs o'erflow,
    flowers with deeper beauties shine.
    Since I know, as now I know,
    I am His, and He is mine.

  5. Bryan, Had to leave a note... I so enjoyed you sharing the words of that old hymn.

    I've been pondering of late the great wonder of having been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Light, and what it must still be be like for those 'Christless eyes' who yet cannot see as we now see.

    Oh Lord help them, too, to see Him!

  6. Knowing the reality of the words of that hymn is a little like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket on a cold day—pure comfort.

    A line from yet another song comes to mind: "He's all I need, He's all I need, Jesus is all I need."


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