September 06, 2010

(Photo: Amanda with her 'Mom Tribute" pic)

Glynis Belec

Next Saturday, Amanda - my darling daughter - along with Trenton and Jocelyn - my scrumpdillyishus grandbabies, will be making our annual trek to Barrie. There, we will be participating in the Winners Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer Canada.

Two years ago, as I was hiccuping through my chemotherapy, Amanda got us involved in the walk and although it was only 5km I found it arduous and challenging because of my weakened state at the time.

But I was doggedly determined to do it and do my part to help turn up the volume on this insidious and deadly disease. Amanda has been by my side ever since and she challenges and boosts my spirit when I am forlorn and unfocused. God surely blessed me with this feisty daughter and

Ovarian cancer is often found in the later stages and sadly there is often a high mortality rate because of this. We walk because we want to help find ways for women with ovarian cancer to be detected early. Also there is much research being done for treatments and education. If we can be even a small part of that, we are excited to do so.

About a month and a half ago, Becky, who was 31 years old, died from ovarian cancer. We will not see Becky in Barrie this year, but we will see her team - The Teal Titans - and we will share in the bittersweet event as we celebrate her life and walk for those who are dealing with this disease that whispers. Becky has a young lad and my heart breaks for him. I sometimes have trouble getting my head around situations like this, but I do know Who is in control and Who has the big picture in mind. So we journey on in faith and with gratitude for every breath and precious moment.

If there is one good lesson I have learned through all this, it is that the trivial is just that - trivial. The unimportant is such a time waster, so I am trying daily, not to fall into that trap anymore. My goal is to give it over to God and to not mess around judging, criticizing and thinking my way is the only way. Life is good, but it is fleeting at best and it is far too short to be turning alleluia moments into 'woe is me' parties.

This will be our third walk in Barrie and we are so thankful for the friendships we have made and the hope that trickles throughout the event.

Thank you Jesus that through You, all things are possible.

God is good. Life is good. Count your blessings name them one by one...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mom! :D You're the fiesty one! ;0) I just had a good teacher!! Looking forward to the weekend!


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