March 28, 2010

When Heavy Prayer is Needed - Jan Keats

I was fingering through my collection of books one day and I came across an old receipt that was tucked in part way though one of the books. I picked up the fragile receipt and quickly became startled. The first item of transaction was “Prayer, heavy.” When I saw those words I was very surprised. “How could I purchase heavy prayer at Canadian Tire?” I thought. I couldn’t read the second item of purchase. Puzzled I looked and squinted my eyes on the receipt trying to figure out what heavy prayer could be.

What is heavy prayer? What does it look like? What aisle did I find it in? Finally as I looked more intently I noticed another letter in front of the word Prayer. It read, “Sprayer, Heavy.” The ‘S’ was slightly faded off the paper which then became “prayer.” Then I remembered that my husband and I purchased a heavy sprayer several months prior to use on our vehicles. I concluded that this was meant to be a devotional message to share. It certainly was an eye opener.

What is heavy prayer? We know that prayer is conversation with God. We also know that God always answers our prayers whether it is yes, no, or wait. But what is the determining factor when we go before Him? Is our approach to God’s throne dependant upon our need for the moment? Or for an ongoing need?

Is there anything that prevents our prayers from being answered? If it’s faith then what happened to our faith? The devil may have a stronghold on God’s people, much like the days of Pharoah. Perhaps our people have not yet cried out to God to be rescued. Where does the devil work at his best? Among God’s people, of course. Where does he throw in a little confusion and strife and schemes? Among God’s people, of course.

Sometimes along the Christian Journey all kinds of negative thoughts and turmoil may interfere with walking in peace and harmony with the Master.

If we don’t lose heart during the discouraged moments then we have overcome the same temptations that Jesus Himself suffered. How do we then keep forging ahead? Just remember when we fall back, come back! Don’t even entertain the idea of falling back and staying back. Jesus didn’t remain in the garden when He was perhaps at His weakest moment. He prayed to the Father and proceeded to follow His Father’s Will; yes, even death on a cross. Each of God’s children has the opportunity to pray and continue in the journey. That’s where peace is! That’s where joy is! That’s where we belong, in the everlasting arms of the Father!

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
(I Corinthians 10:13NIV)

Keep strong in the Lord! He will light your path along the journey!
When you give your burdens to God. What will He do? He will take it. Pass your burdens over to Him and be comforted by the gentleness of the Father.

Jan Keats


  1. Jan, I had a good chuckle at your consternation as to what aisle you were shopping in for some heavy prayer.

    A wonderful reminder in your words "Just remember when we fall back, come back!"

    I remember when I heard someone preaching years ago; they said, when you blow it, run to Jesus. I've been running to Him ever since.


  2. I becoming more and more convinced that the most important gift anyone can give to another person is "heavy" prayer time.

    And being the kind of person who sometimes like to "give" my burdens to the Lord and then try to keep shouldering them myself, your reminder is very timely. Thanks.


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